Call for Papers
There is a rapidly approaching deadline for the Washington D.C.
A.C.S. meeting. The session chairmen are given below for the
various symposia. To encourage presentations electronic abstracts
can also be submitted.
Symposia chairpeople are solicited for the 'unscheduled' symposia
if you are interested. I have also listed the upcoming dates
for Future ACS meetings
Thanks for your time.
TOm Pierce
Future Symposia of the COMP division of the ACS
Washington Meeting August 23-28 1992.
Four copies of 150 Word Abstract (Original on ACS Abstract Form) due by April
15, 1992 to respective chairmen (Send Electronic copies to rs0thp $#at#$
Genome Information- Dr. Steve Heller, Building 005 Rm 337, USDA ARS BARC-W,
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350. 301-504-6055 / FAX 301-504-6231,
srheller $#at#$ (tentatively Monday)
General Computational Chemistry - Poster and Oral Sessions - Dr. Thomas
Pierce, Rohm and Haas, P.O. Box 219, Bristol PA 19007, 215-785-8989 -
rs0thp $#at#$ Monday)
Rapid Methods of Computational Chemistry (tentatively Tuesday Aug. 25th.),
Dr. Allen Richon 314-567-3927 fax 314-997-6760
Molecular Mechanics Force Fields - Dr. Thomas Pierce, Rohm and Haas, P.O. Box
219, Bristol PA 19007, 215-785-8989 - rs0thp $#at#$ (tentatively
Computer Networks and Chemistry
Dr. Dennis Gerson, IBM Comp.,1503 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75234-6032,
(214)-406-7452 gerson%dfwvm04 $#at#$ Thursday)
Structure Searching - Dr. G.W. Milne, Building 37, Room 5C28,NIH, Bethesda, MD
20892 301- 402-3115 (GWA22 $#at#$ CAS)(tentatively Friday)
Denver, March 28-April 2, 1993
Program Chair: Dr. Phil Kutzenco, American Cyanamid Co., 1937 West Main
Street, P.O. Box 60, Stamford, CT 06904-0060, fax -203-321-2298, (203) 321-2377
Four copies of 150 Word Abstract (Original on ACS Abstract Form) due by
December 1, 1992 to respective chairmen
(Send Electronic copies to rs0thp $#at#$
Solvation Models - Dr. Allen Richon, 314-567-3927 fax 314-997-6760
Computational Analytical Chemistry - Prof. Gary Small, Dept. of Chemistry,
Univ. of Iowa,Iowa City, IA 52242. 319-355-1370
General Computational Chemistry- Poster and Oral Sessions- Dr. Phil Kutzenco,
American Cyanamid Co., 1937 West Main Street, P.O. Box 60, Stamford,
CT 06904-0060, fax-203-321-2298, (203) 321-2377
Chicago August 22-27 , 1993
Electronic Notebooks - Joint with CINF - Dr. Thomas Pierce, Rohm and Haas,
P.O. Box 219,Bristol PA 19007, 215-785-8989
Modeling of Polymer Properties - Co-Sponsored with PMSE
Related Symposia:
Advances in Radiopharmaceutical Drug Design
Computatinal Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
San Diego, April 10-15 1994
Similarity Searching - Joint with CINF, Organizer- Guenter Grethe from MDL
Washington D.C. August 21-26 1994
Anaheim 4/2/95 - 4/7/95
Chicago 8/20/95 - 8/25/95
Future Symposia (unscheduled):
Non-Traditional Modeling
Frugal Chemist's Software
NMR Calculation and Simulation
Molecular Modeling
Material Simulation and Property Calculation
Atmospheric Modeling
Environmental Modeling
Computational Chemistry Education
Scientific Visualizations
Multi-media Visualization of Scientific Applications
Application of Parallel Processing to Chemical Problems
Density Functional Applications of Chemical Systems
Reactive Molecular Dynamics
QSAR/Chemometrics Methods
Modeling of Membranes and Films
Modeling Polymer Emulsions
Modeling Protein Folding - Fact or Fiction?
Sincerely, Thomas Pierce
Computer Applications Research | rs0thp $#at#$ Internet
Bldg 64C, Rohm and Haas Co. | rs0thp $#at#$ rohvm1 Bitnet
P.O. Box 219 | (215)-785-8989 Voice
Bristol, PA 19007 | (215)-781-4204 Fax
Official Disclaimer:
"The opinions expressed are those of the writer and not the Rohm
and Haas Company."