Computational Chemistry on PCs
Answering to the request of G. Ravishanker
from 09/24/92
There is a paper called
Computational Chemistry on a PC
by G. Naray-Szabo
Int.J.Quantum Chem. XXXVIII 163-171
that deals with SOME of this stuff.
G.N-S has a program called PCMODEL[TM]
- you'll find his address in his paper.
from Tripos Associates, StL.
There is a molecular graphics program
called HAMOG (HAlle MOlecular Graphics) that
originates from the former DDR. It runs with
10000 atoms and does MEP calculations (no
molecular mechanics, though). I lost track
of the address of the company, but I guess
I would be able to find it in 2 weeks or so,
if you are REALLY interested. Graphics are
good, MEP are based on electronegativities.
A program that does real modelling on a PC
is COSMIC (2.0) - which is developed by J.G.
Vinter (see Morley,
J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Design 5:475-504
for the latest version). This runs on ATs
with 386/387 OR 486 & 4 megs of RAM, and is
supported by Nothingam U., & Salford U. (last
one for the FTN77 Fortran compiler). It performs
rigid docking, torsional minimisations (from 5
degrees up), CNDO/2, docking with H+, HO-,
and a hydrophobic probe (gets minima/maps),
interface with CCDC, entropy (like Williams,
JACS 113:7020-7030), and usual molecular
mechanics stuff. Charges with CHARGE3
Abraham J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Design
6:273-286, good combination of Hinze-Jaffe
stuff & iterative Huckel. As far as I know,
no papers are published on COSMIC for PC.
Then there is Oxford Molecular Design,
which took Chem-X to the PC.
For these proprietary products, better
ask the owners for more details.
P.S. I no not too much of the Mac,
but COSMIC on the Mac is called NEMESIS.
This is all that I have been in contact with.
I worked with ALCHEMYII, COSMIC 1.02 & 2 and
I've seen the Demo of HAMOG back in Romania
(where I come from) - and I was particularly
interested in the problem. I know that a
compilation of software incl. PCs is given
by Donald Boyd at the end of
Reviews in Computational Chemistry II
VCH New York 1991
- which does NOT mention COSMIC.
For other details, contact me at
Tudor Ionel Oprea
Washington University Center for Molecular Design
Lopata Hall, Box 1099, One Brookings Drive
St.Louis MO 63130
Tel:(1-314) 935 4672 Fax:(1-314) 935 4979
Email: tudor(-(at)-)
Bye, T.