Re: SGI compiler options

     Once again this may be something that others have run into so
   I'm also sending it to the net...
 > I and several other users attempted this and were not able to get either
 > of these options to work. I have an Indigo XS24 R4000 with the F77 compiler
 > 3.4.1, Development option 4.0.1, and Irix 4.0.5 so I believe I have most
 > (but apparently not all) the goodies.
   Did you install the 4.0.5 maintenence updates when you set up your
   machine?  To find out, type the command "versions maint_dev".  The
   first (real) line should read:
 I  maint_dev            12/09/92  Development System Maint, 4.0.5
    If you don't see the maint_dev lines then you are not running the
   4.0.5 compiler.  That would explain the behavior, since 4.0.1 was
   an OS prior to the R4000 machines existence and of course, would
   not have the -mips2 option. (I checked against a machine running
   4.0.1, it's not there) Your OS is 4.0.5, but your options are 4.0.1.
    You should have the 4.0.5 maintence tape/CD that came with the
   computer; just boot the machine and tell it you want to install
   software. When you get to the options menu, just type go (it will
   figure out which subsystems need updating).  The maintenence CD
   patches the 4.0.1 optional software to bring them up to 4.0.5, so
   presumably more than your compiler is non-optimal until you install