SGI Compile

 Original question was why my SGI Indigo R4000 didn't recognize the -mips2
 compiler flag and why the -sopt option is such a slug at compile time.
 Resolution was that the OS hadn't been updated from 4.0.3 to
 4.0.5 using the 'maint_dev' cdrom disc as suggested by Dan Severance. The
 -mips2 flag works fine now. Note that the -sopt flag takes a whole lot of
 compile time so patience is the key here.  Thanks to all for your suggestions
 including Dan, Trevor Creamer and Roberto Gomperts.
 |                                      |                                   |
 |"You can't always get what you want,  | Dr. Bruce A. Luxon
 |   But if you try sometimes,          | Chemistry Department              |
 |     You'll get what you need ..."    | Purdue University
 |                                      | W. Lafayette, IN  47907           |
 |                          Mick Jagger | (317)494-5289; Fax (317)494-0239  |
 |                                      | bruce #*at*#