conformation generation from internal coordinates

 is there a program, that generates conformations from distances,
 angles and dihedrals if they are not given as a complete Z-Matrix
 (e.g. mopac input) ? It should use additional angles instead of missed
 dihedrals and detect or handle incomplete determination of the
 My actual problem is a conformation described in an article using only
 distances and angles and I want to generate either a PDB or a MOPAC
 input file. I guess the given values are not sufficient to determine
 the conformation.
 Any suggestions would be appreciated
 Thank you
 Frank Herrmann, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics 0810
 German Cancer Research Center
 Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg
 Tel: (49) 6221-422336, FAX: (49) 6221-422333
 email: F.Herrmann -8 at 8-