AM1 vs PM3

 One of our graduate students asked me the following question.  Not
 being an ab initio expert (or novice or anything) I thought I would
 pass the question on to the net.
 What are the differences between AM1 and PM3?  How do the algorithms
 differ?  Any noticable differences in calculations?  Any pros or cons
 about the two programs you would care to share?
 If there is interest, I can summarize for the net.
 Thank you for your time.
 						Jeff Nauss
 *  UU    UU             Jeffrey L. Nauss, PhD                              *
 *  UU    UU             Director, Molecular Modeling Services              *
 *  UU    UU             Department of Chemistry                            *
 *  UU    UU CCCCCCC     University of Cincinnati                           *
 *   UU  UU CCCCCCCC     Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172                          *
 *    UUUU CC                                                               *
 *         CC            Telephone: 513-556-0148    Fax: 513-556-9239       *
 *         CC                                                               *
 *          CCCCCCCC     e-mail: nauss' at \`
 *           CCCCCCC             Jeffrey.Nauss' at \`UC.Edu