Survey on CCL - Respond please
CCLSurv "-at-", NOT TO THE LIST!!!
Survey on the impact of the Computational Chemistry List
This is a survey on the use and impact of the Computational
Chemistry List. Please answer the questions below; a short
introduction follows.
Please respond to CCLSurv "-at-", or if you have a WWW
reader which supports forms, you are encouraged to use the Hypertext
which makes answering survey questions much easier/faster.
The Computational Chemistry List (CCL) has been for many a
valuable resource and a venue for a diversity of discussions. The list
has grown steadily in subscriber and recipient numbers, interesting
and sometimes heated debates have taken place, and consideration
has been given recently to previously unexplored issues like the
perspectives for fully electronic publications and similar ones.
It may be time to ask ourselves what actual impact the CCL has had,
is having, and can further have on our lives, our work, the way we
use bandwidth, and the like.
To that purpose I have proposed to undertake a survey of the List
users with the general goal of finding out facts and opinions about
electronic services and their impact on our work. I have asked the
List coordinator, Jan Labanowski, if this is a valid use of CCL
bandwidth and we have agreed to ask a few more questions, relevant
to the List's operation and its possible improvement, in order not to
bother you with TWO surveys. In this respect, the added goals are
to find if the List is useful as is, what and for whom is most and least
useful, what should be scratched, and how some possible
improvements might work out.
My own interest in the results of this survey is more on the side of
understanding its workings and their meaning as underpinning for
the future of academic communication. The results of the survey will
be carefully analyzed, which may take some time, and I intend to
publish the results of the analysis (foreseeably in an ACS
monograph) as well as post them and make them available for
Some aspects of the survey may be flawed from the beginning,
mainly as we will not (foreseeably) get response from people who
have not subscribed or have dropped out, for any of a number of
reasons. However, much can be learned from your answers! It is
important that everybody respond to make the survey statistically
sound and not biased by "aggressive minority opinion". Please let us
know better just how the CCL is working, if and how much it has
changed the way you work, communicate, and teach, and understand
what is to be done next.
I beg you to answer the questions below as objectively as possible. I
will make my best efforts to keep the responses confidential (I plan
ADDRESSES; if you wish otherwise and say so in your answer
message I will oblige). I will understand that you speak for your
persons and not for your organizations unless the contrary is
explicitly stated. All answers are nonbinding. Now look: the list is
international, legal issues may get real tangled, so let us all assume
that I will keep faithfully to my best knowledge of ethical and legal
standards and we all try to get information that will benefit
everybody, OK?
If you are impeded to respond to any of the questions because of
considerations of liability etc. do tell me so!
Again, please address your answers/comments/questions to me and
not to the list - lest you really want everybody to hear you!
Alejandro Pisanty - CCLSurv "-at-"
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Dr. Alejandro Pisanty, Secretary of the Advisory Council on
Computing, UNAM, and Head of the Graduate Division, Faculty of
Chemistry, UNAM
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico DF
Tel. (+52-5) 622 4181, 616 1649; Fax 550 0904, 616 2010
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Survey on the use of the Computational Chemistry List (CCL).
Please answer with your best estimates!
In the pilot run of the survey a "closed form" for answers was
suggested. I have preferred to retain the open form because of the
WIDE variety of answers possible from all over the world.
The survey cannot be made too short because much valuable
contents would be lost. If you find that you do not have time enough
to answer all the questions, please concentrate on sections I (user
characterization), II and III (impact), VI and VII. Section IX
provides detailed suggestions for improvement on the list in order to
open a discussion on that subject.
This part is intended to characterize the respondent. It is important
to know ourselves better as a group, and so we can crossreference
other responses against particular groups of subscribers.
I.1) How long have you been using CCL (few months, a year, more
than a year)?
Mark X on this line ...................................
I.2) What is the character of your organization (e.g., for-
profit/commercial, academia, secondary shool, government, military,
other non-profit, self-employed consultant, etc.)?
I.3) Country where you receive the CCL messages (particularly if
through LISTSERV and similar, which may be different from the
subscription address):
I.4) Type of position (e.g, undergraduate student, graduate student,
postdoctoral associate, assistant professor, full professor, lecturer,
reader, research scientist, senior research scientist, management,
sales associate, consultant, etc.):
I.5) Approximate number of employees in your entire organization
and its main line of activity (e.g. 2000/college, 1000/pharmaceutical,
20000/petroleum, etc.):
I.6) Your field(s) of activity (please be specific: e.g,
crystallographer, molecular biologist, quantum chemist, medicinal
chemist, etc.):
I.7) Is your work mainly theoretical, computational or
Do you develop software?
I.8) What computational chemistry methods do you use frequently
(ab initio, molecular graphics, molecular mechanics, kinetics
simulation, etc.)?
What other computational work do you do frequently?:
I.9) What computer(s) do you use to read the messages, and how
are you connected to the network (e.g. PC via 2400 modem, Mac
via 9600 modem, RS/6000 on Ethernet, etc.).
What is the range of network access available to you (e.g., e-mail
only, ftp, remote logins, gopher, WWW, Usenet, etc.).
I.10) What computer(s) and software do you mostly use for your
I.11) How did you learn about the list (e.g., from a friend, my thesis
advisor, a student I supervise, from archie, by searching
gopherspace, etc.)
I.12) Could you briefly describe your work (say 5-10 lines):
Please be as specific as you can be in answering these questions.
The answers will be used to judge if the list is a useful resource and
to assess the way media like CCL are changing our ways.
II.1) Please tell how, and how many times, the messages on CCL,
answers to your CCL queries, or CCL archives helped you in your
Anecdotes and specific examples are most welcome!
List all instances you can remember (e.g., you acquired particular
software based on CCL messages twice, you selected computer
hardware based on information from CCL, on three occassions you
received needed parameters/data, five times you were directed to
read particular paper based on CCL information, you changed your
approach/method once based on CCL messages, comments on the
CCL contributed to the discussion part in two of your
papers/reports, etc.):
II.2) How many times did you find about a conference via CCL and
attended it as a result?
II.3) Have you started a collaboration with a subscriber of the list as
a result of exchanges on the CCL?
II.4) Did you find a position or a candidate for the position using
the positions.offered file in CCL archive?
Did you seek a position in particular organization/group based on
messages posted to the list?
II.5) Add any comments about benefits and impacts of the list in
your career:
Answer these questions if you are teaching or if you are involved in
intracompany training. Please be specific and add as many comments
as you wish.
III.1) What subject/course do you teach, is it an
undergraduate/graduate/professional course?
III.2) Has the list had any impact on the contents of your courses?
(e.g., you used materials/examples/opinions from messages or CCL
archives in your course, you revised/created curriculum/syllabus
based on CCL material, you suggested a graduate project based on
CCL postings, etc.):
III.3) Do you encourage your students to subscribe to the list, or
forward material from the list to them?
Please supply the best estimates. We understand that they are
approximate. Stories and examples are most welcome! They are
becoming the oral history and lore of this trade.
IV.1) How many questions have you posted to the list?
How many answers or opinions did you post to the whole list?
How many answers did you send directly the participants?
IV.2) How many answers/opinions did you receive to your personal
mailbox instead of list as a result of your question/opinion?
Did you ever receive a response with the restriction "for your eyes
IV.3) How many people have reprimanded/flamed you for your
posting(s) to the list? For what?
Have you reprimanded/flamed somebody? For what?
IV.4) What is your estimate of the portion of suitable messages, i.e.,
messages which adhere to the list rules (e.g.: 3/7, 10%)?
IV.5) What portion of messages on the list do you find relevant for
your own research/teaching/development/administration?
Do you forward on occassion messages from CCL to people who
are not subscribed?
Did you encourage someone to subscribe?
IV.6) How do you choose messages to read? What portion of
messages do you delete/skip before reading based on the Subject:
field? What portion of messages do you delete/skip after reading the
first few lines?
IV.7) How do you receive messages (e.g., you are subscribed to the
list directly, you are subscribed to a local/internal list/newsgroup
which receives messages from CCL, you are not subscribed but view
archived messages via gopher/WWW)?
IV.8) How frequently do you scan CCL messages and when (e.g.,
as they arrive, more than once a day, once a day in the evening, once
a week during the weekend)?
How much time on average do you spend reading messages?
IV.9) Have you ever searched the CCL archives, and if not why?
Did you access CCL archives and in what way (e.g., e-mail, ftp,
Please share all your experiences and use of resources other than
V.1 What other Internet and network resources do you use and
how heavily/frequently (e-mail, library catalogues, gopher, WWW,
newsgroups, commercial databases, stock prices, commercial news,
listservers/electronic-lists, electronic submissions of manuscripts to
journals/books/conferences, etc., etc.). How much time do you
spend on using the network resources?
V.2 How much time do you spend on reading CCL list and CCL
archives compared to other network resources?
V.3 How do you rate the CCL for usefulness, benefit/effort ratio,
etc. in comparison to other online and offline resources?
VI.1 What do you remember as the most useful/most pleasant/most
unpleasant/most obnoxious event on the CCL (and/or other Internet
VII.1 Please comment on the international impact of the list.
VII.2 Please comment on the choice of language of the list, its
quality, and its level of difficulty. Do you sometimes NOT write
because of language difficulties?
VII.3 If you are answering you obviously use the list. Can we learn
something valuable from those who don´t?
VII.4 Do you think the list, WWW etc. could provide for formal
scientific/technical publication? (e.g. with formal review procedures
and stable archives)
VII.5) How do you see a development of networks/network
services in the future (say, 10 years)?
See also section IX: how would you improve CCL?
VIII.1 What questions/topics should have been included in this
survey but were missed?
VIII.2 Share any thoughts concerning the CCL list which were not
addressed in the survey.
Some specific proposals have been made to improve CCL. They are
listed below. Speak out on your own thoughts; the proposals below
are intended as discussion openers, not as a bias.
Provide your ideas assuming that resources are not an issue and
everything is possible. Try to provide ideas, and methods of
implementation, though you need not be too detailed/technical.
Please note that some examples given here are very controversial.
IX.1) How would you improve the list if it stayed unmoderated?
Examples (do not be suggested by them, unless you agree with them
a) Split it into smaller lists: ccl-ab-initio, ccl-semiempirical, ccl-
force-fields, ccl-molecular-graphics, ccl-???. To which smaller lists
would you subscribe yourself?
b) Allow anonymous postings if someone chooses to do so.
c) Restrict the scope of messages even further than in the rules.
d) Add specific files to the archives (which?).
e) Add additional services (which?).
f) Each subscriber would provide a list of keywords/regular-
expressions and would receive only messages which contain/satisfy
the keywords/regular-expressions.
g) Allow only 10 messages a day, and queue the messages which
are over the limit.
IX.2) How would you improve the list if it was moderated? Please,
share your ideas.
For example (only an example):
a) 24hrs/day monitoring of the list by anonymous moderators
residing in different time zones, so the messages are essentially
approved/rejected in a real time.
b) provide a once a day digest of subjects and a mechanism for
retrieval of full messages via e-mail, ftp, gopher, www.
c) the moderator(s) beside rejecting/approving messages would
classify them into topics (e.g., quantum chemistry, molecular
mechanics, molecular graphics, QSAR/QSPR, hardware, drug
design, [what topics?] and subscribers could choose which topics
they want to receive. Which topics would you subscribe to?
d) Provide a rotating body of volunteers in their respective
fields, who would respond to the simple/trivial questions, forwarded
to them by moderators (e.g., would point to a file already residing in
CCL archives, or explain that HONDO is an ab initio program).
e) Split the list into "introductory" and "advanced"
moderator(s) will assign messages to the appropriate category.
IX.3) Should the list be available as Usenet newsgroup? Why?
IX.4) Should the list be monitored/censored? Why and by whom?
Would you be willing to act as a moderator of the list, how
much time you would contribute and under what conditions
(remember, your answer is nonbinding, and anonymous)?
============== SURVEY END===============
(Again: please respond to CCLSurv "-at-", or WWW,
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Dr. Alejandro Pisanty, Secretary of the Advisory Council on
Computing, UNAM, and Head of the Graduate Division, Faculty of
Chemistry, UNAM
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico DF
Tel. (+52-5) 622 4181, 616 1649; Fax 550 0904, 616 2010
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