UniChem Mosaic Page
Greetings all,
Cray Research, Inc. announces the UniChem Mosaic Home Page. You will find the
page at "http://www.cray.com/apps/UNICHEM/Mainpage.html". This
page gives you
access to a wealth of information, including:
- The UniChem package and latest release information
- Recent results in high performance computational chemistry
- News about DGauss analytical vibrational frequencies
- DGauss basis sets at no cost
The UniChem is the Cray Research molecular simulation package. It consists of
a graphical interface and a set of quantum chemistry codes integrated into
a seamless environment.
The UniChem page can also be accessed via the Cray Research Home Page
(http://www.cray.com). For
more information about UniChem, contact the Cray
Research Applications Dept. at 1-800-289-CRAY or send e-mail to unichem |-at-|
Susan M. Gustafson
UniChem Support
Cray Research, Inc.
e-mail: sgustaf |-at-| cray.com