Compiling iglo92 on SGI

 Dear all,
 	Have somebody gotten the program iglo92 running on SGI Indigo2?
 I have tried hard for some time, but still have big problems -
 the program compiles neatly, but then the results are very different
 from those supplied with program (or obtained on Convex). The differences
 began from the number of integrales writen out.
 	I have tried different compiler options e.g. -static, -r8 etc.
 but so far with no success. So I would appreciate any suggestions.
 Best regards,
 Peeter Burk, Ph.D.                      Jakobi 2, EE2400 Tartu, Estonia
 Institute of Chemical Physics           Phone (372-7) 441-453
 Tartu University                        Fax   (372-7) 441-453
 Estonia                                 E-mail peeter -AatT-