[no subject]

Dear Anatoly,
 You can have a look at our WWW server you can find a few animations, with
 e.g. a ferrocene dynamics
 see : http://scsg9.unige.ch/eng/toc.html
 hope this helps
 Francois Savary
 Francois Savary
 University of Geneva
 Department of Physical Chemistry CHIFI Weber
 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet
 CH-1211 Geneva 4
 Lab       : 112
 Phone     : +4122 702 65 32
 Fax       : +4122 702 65 18
 e-mail    : savary()at()sc2a.unige.ch
 HTML      : http://scsg9.unige.ch/tabmat.html  (in french)
           : http://scsg9.unige.ch/eng/toc.html (in english)