Re: CCL:Looking for ATOMCI from Clementi's group !

 Dear Bezerra
 >> 	I would like to have a program which will compute atomic CI
 >> wavefunctions using Slater type orbitals.
 >> 	I have been told that ATOMCI from Clementi's group does exactly
 >> that. Could anyone tell me where and how to get a copy of it?
 ATOMCI was written by Prof. Fukashi SASAKI at Hokkaido University.
 It use symmetry group approach and recoupling technic.
 His address is following
 Department of Chemistry, Facaulty of Science,
 Hokkaido University
 Nishi 8, Kita 10, Kita-ku,
 Sapporo, 060, JAPAN
 Prof. Sasaki does is a bad correspondent. There is a possibility that
 you can not obtain reply.
 Does this help you ?
 AKinori Murakami
 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation