inst. normal modes of solvents

 Dear Fellow Netters:
 I'm currently developing a theory for the effect of quantum coherences
 between the solvent molecules and a solute particle during
 non-radiative relaxation.  Even thought these coherences are very
 transient (on the order of 10 fs at most in liquids at normal
 temperatures) they play an important role in limiting coherent energy
 exchange process through extended states.  I have two related
 questions which I wish to pose to the simulation experts.
 1.) Because the coherences are short, my theory assumes that an
 instantaneous normal mode description of the solvent modes is
 sufficient for my purposes.  A further approximation is that the
 dispersion of frequencies, i.e. the normal mode spectrum, is
 relatively insensitive to the electronic state of the solute molecule.
 Is this reasonable and does any one have data that either supports or
 refutes this claim?
 2.) The next question is whether or not an ohmic type spectral model
 provides a sufficient description of the solvent modes.  The
 particular physical system that I have in mind is that of the
 hydration of an excited charged ion in liquid water.
 Thanks in advance and I hope this stirs up discussion.  Reply either
 to me directly or to the net. I'll report the interesting replies.
 Also, if someone wants a preprint of our work, I'd be happy to send
 some out (as soon as the papers are submitted).
 Eric R. Bittner
     Eric R. Bittner                  phone:  (512)-471-1092
     Dept. of Chemistry                 fax:  (512)-471-8696
     Univ. of Texas
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