Re: CCL:"ETIME" command in LINUX (f77)

 (This reply does not seem to bear any direct importance to computational
 chemistry, but may be useful for people wanting to compile comp.chem.
 programs in Fortran under Linux.)
 Fortran compilers under Linux that I know of:
 - You can use the tandem:
  fortran code  ---------------> (unreadable) C code  ------------->
                 f2c translator                        gcc compiler
 This is the only workable option at this time, AFAIK.
 Both f2c and gcc are obtainable from all main Linux ftp sites, and included
 in packages like the Slackware distribution.
 Although this route may seem cumbersome, *it works*. f2c comes with a
 small shellscript called f77 what does exactly what you'd expect
 (i.e. you don't see the intermediate C code any more).
 - Or, buy the NAGWare f90 compiler from the Numerical Algorithms Group;
 this one has been announced in the NetNews group comp.os.linux.announce
 recently (begin November?); I take the freedom to spread this information
 further. The advert said that more information can be obtained by mailing
 their informationdesk,
 - Or, wait for, or better still help with, the development of the
 Gnu g77 compiler. I don't know very much about it, except that it
 is not yet stable. Information can be gotten by using finger:
 Concerning the need for some system functions that your Fortran program
 expects the Linux f2c library (libf2c.a or libF77.a, libI77.a) to have:
 If you can't find any Fortran timing routines, you can tinker around with
 C library functions. Those are in chapter 3 of the (online) manual.
 If I had time to try some compiles at home, I'd be able to give you
 more information :-(. I only have a general idea of some workarounds
 right now. Sorry.
 Hopefully this information is sufficiently useful to enough Computational
 Chemists to justify posting it here.
 Good luck with it,
 Frits Daalmans
 Disclaimer: all opinions stated here are mine and not necessarily those of
 my employer(s).
 Frits Daalmans
 OIO Conformational Analysis
 Gorlaeus Laboratoria
 Leiden, The Netherlands
 Tel: [+31] (0)71-274505