quadrupole coupling contstants

 Dear CCL:
 Dose anyone know how to calculate the quadrupole coupling constants in MHz
 using the following data from an ab initio job? Thank you very much for
 your assisstance.
 Adel El-Azhary
 Cairo University
                      Dipole Moment in atomic units
                      x               y               z
  Electronic    -25.22565938      0.00000000     41.14626548
  Nuclear        26.16293578      0.00000000    -41.43691737
  Total           0.93727640      0.00000000     -0.29065188
  Dipole Moment     0.98130809
                      In Debyes
                      x               y               z
  Electronic    -64.11726324      0.00000000    104.58342815
  Nuclear        66.49958343      0.00000000   -105.32219193
  Total           2.38232019      0.00000000     -0.73876377
  Dipole Moment     2.49423764
  Second Moments and Quadrupole Moments are calculated
  relative to the origin of the coordinate frame
  Second Moments - in atomic units
                 XX         YY         ZZ         XY         XZ         YZ
  Electronic -114.12783  -29.06291 -149.51676    0.00000   37.19446    0.00000
  Nuclear      95.35667   11.17119  133.49805    0.00000  -36.93342    0.00000
  Total       -18.77116  -17.89172  -16.01871    0.00000    0.26104    0.00000
  Quadrupole Moments -- in atomic units
                 XX         YY         ZZ         XY         XZ         YZ
  Electronic  -24.83799  102.75938  -77.92138    0.00000   55.79170    0.00000
  Nuclear      23.02205 -103.25616   80.23412    0.00000  -55.40013    0.00000
  Total        -1.81595   -0.49679    2.31273    0.00000    0.39156    0.00000
  Quadrupole Moments -- in E.S.U. units (10**-26 ESU CM**2)
                 XX         YY         ZZ         XY         XZ         YZ
  Electronic  -33.40797  138.21497 -104.80700    0.00000   75.04179    0.00000
  Nuclear      30.96546 -138.88316  107.91770    0.00000  -74.51512    0.00000
  Total        -2.44251   -0.66819    3.11071    0.00000    0.52667    0.00000
  Electric fields at nuclei (atomic units)
           Atom                Ex            Ey            Ez
           N           -0.0843679     0.0000000     0.0354536
           C           -0.0072302     0.0000000     0.0005697
           C            0.0028301     0.0000000    -0.0022156
           C           -0.0000986     0.0000000    -0.0138588
           H            0.0013261     0.0000000     0.0090170
           H            0.0040023    -0.0075692    -0.0014053
           H            0.0040023     0.0075692    -0.0014053
           H           -0.0032318    -0.0080626    -0.0032587
           H           -0.0032318     0.0080626    -0.0032587