Need 1',6'-Methano Carbocyclic Thymidine coordinates

 Could someone please help us out and send me the coordinates (fdat, pdb,
 or xr format) of the X-ray structure of 1',6'-Methano Carbocyclic Thymidine
 (Altmann et al., Tet. Lett. 35(41), 7625-7628 (1994))?  We have access to
 the CSD but don't have the newest version yet, which should contain this
 Thanks in advance,
  Marc C. Nicklaus                        Lab. of Medicinal Chemistry
  e-mail: mn1 %! at !%               National Cancer Institute, NIH
  Phone:  (301) 402-3111                  Bldg 37, Rm 5B29
  Fax:    (301) 496-5839                  BETHESDA, MD 20892-4255