AIMPAC plotting

 I have already tried sending the message below to 'jeff ^at^' and
 'jeff ^at^' but it's bounced.  Following the message to CCL,
 I'm resending it.
 Richard Bone
 You might want to contact Dr. Paul Popelier at UMIST, UK. He has a separate
 program, 'MORPHY' which produces PostScript output instead of redirecting
 data to a plotter.  It is very good and should be virtually platform-
 independent;  I ran it on SGI machines quite a lot.  If you check out papers
 (co-)authored by P.L.A. Popelier since 1993 you'll see examples of the output.
 There are further examples in ...
 Bone and Bader, J. Phys. Chem., 100 (26), 10892 - 10911
 You can e-mail Popelier at  pla ^at^ for more information.
 Richard Bone
 |  Richard G. A. Bone,  Ph.D.      |                                   |
 |  Senior Computational Chemist    |                                   |
 |  Proteus Molecular Design Ltd.   |  Tel:   +44 (0)1625 500555        |
 |  Lyme Green Business Park        |  Fax:   +44 (0)1625 500666        |
 |  Macclesfield,   Cheshire        |  Email: rgab ^at^        |
 |  United Kingdom      SK11  0JL   |  Web:  |