f orbitals : Graphical representation

 A simple question:
 Could somebody suggest a reference where there are nice and
 explicit (with axes, sign) drawings of f orbitals ?
 Thanks a lot.
 ¤  François HUTSCHKA                 Ph.D. Student in Quantum Chemistry     ¤
 ¤                                                                           ¤
 ¤  Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique                                          ¤
 ¤  UPR 139 du CNRS                                                          ¤
 ¤  4, rue Blaise Pascal              Phone:  (33).             ¤
 ¤  67000 STRASBOURG                  Fax:    (33).             ¤
 ¤  FRANCE                            E-Mail: hutschka : at :
 quantix.u-strasbg.fr  ¤