Numerical Atomic Calculation

    Hi Everybody;
     I would very appreciate if someone could help me in the following:
     I have to perform a relativistic atomic numerical calculation.
 I need a program that integrate numerically the one-electron radial
 schrodinger equation associated with each spin-orbital to be used as
 reference orbitals. I have interest in the results using the local
 spin density limit.
   * From  Helio Anderson Duarte                                             *
   *       Department of chemistry     Departement de Chimie                 *
   *       University of Montreal      Universite de Montreal                *
   *       C.P. 6128, succ A           FAX (514) 343-2468                    *
   *       Montreal, Quebec            Phone (514) 343-6111  Poste 3994      *
   *       H3C3J7                      internet: duarteh #*at*# *
   *       Canada                                                            *