Computational Chemistry Outreach in India
With over 900 million people and a high rate of college and university
educated persons with few good job opportunities, access to computer-based
enhancements to problem solving is important - and - given the relatively
low cost of table top computers - relatively accessible.
There are a large number of chemistry trained persons in the world. They
hae a common language and generally good rapport. Because there are so
many each can become a source of computer-based enhancements to problem
solving in their respective communities. India is ripe for an influx of
opinions and facts from world class and credible computational chemists.
The ICCCRE has as one of its goals the bringing of a cadre of world classs
experts in some aspects of computer-based enhancements to problem solving
that are quite exportable to disciplines other than chemistry.
Yound persons generally do not have either the where-with-all for foreign
travel to specialized conferences elsewhere or good information as to
which are organized such as to provide good channels of communication with
experts for discussion - including one on one. ICCCRE finesses that
Furthermore, the science policy makers in the host country who determine
where the limited resources should go for maximum return are not certian
that what they hear from their countrymen represent an enlightened and
objective perspective as to what is current and choice rather than self
serving. ICCCRE provides that opportunity.
The XIIth ICCCRE is not yet fully formed. The convenor, Professor Gadre at
the University of Pune, is on the lookout for persons who are world class
computational chemists and interested in and willing to come to Pune the
week of 4 Jan 98 to participate in that week long conference as either
session organizers, session presentors, poster presentors or as
cosponsoring companies interested in developing a presence in India as
parst of an associated exposition.
The session key noters will be invited to generate a provocative statement
in their areas of expertese inviting comments to be shared via electronic
By way of facilitating the whole process there has been created a home
page for the XIIth ICCCRE at Beloit College including a link to Professor
Gadre. Please at least dialog with Gadre and share your suggestions and
perhaps interest in participating. The home page is at:
Any specific questions you feel I might be able to help with can be sent
via link by accessing my home page: .
Thanks for your patience if you got this far!!
Pune in 98!
Peter Lykos