
 Dear CCL reader:
 I promise to give a summary on the question as:
 I want to some references about calculation of electronic structure  of
 oxide or halide glass systems.
 Also I want to know which program ( ab initio or semiempirical) can treat
 elements like Mo, Cu, W, Ag and V.
 Here is the answers I received till now:
 From: V Sundararajan <sundar()at()>
 To: "FANG L." <scip5031()at()>
 Subject: Re: CCL:ccl: electronic structure of glass
 Dear Fang,
 	For electronic structure of elements you may use LMTO
 (Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital method, full-potential version) could be
 	Contact Prof. O.K. Andersen at
  V. Sundararajan,  Applications group
                    Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
                    Pune University Campus,  Pune 411 007
                    Phone: 352461/79/83/84 Ext 341/342  Direct 370098
                    Fax  : +91 212 357551
                    e-mail: sundar()at()