1997 March 22
 E. Lewars, Chem Dept, Trent University., Peterborough
 These questions concern CH2Cl2.+ (the CH2Cl2 radical cation, CH2Cl2 missing
 one electron; charge =1, multiplicity =2).   The level I've used is UHF/6-31G*,
 for opt + freq.  There are 6 paragraphs, then questions.
 JOB 1:
 For C2v input (JOB1 below), the result was E=-957.567059 hartree and there
 was one imag freq, -241 cm-1.  The imag freq corresponds to motion making
 the C-H bonds nonequivalent (--> Cs sym, plane through the H, C, H atoms.
 Done with SPARTAN
 JOB 2:
 For Cs input, plane through the H,C,H, C-H's slightly different (JOB2 below),
 the result was E=-957.589530 h, and there was one imag freq, -1290 cm-1
 (-1290, cf. -241 for JOB 1). This seems to correspond to expulsion of a Cl
 (atom? ion?) and flattening of the remaining CH2Cl unit.
 Done with SPARTAN
 The optimized structures from JOB1 and JOB2 are different--for example JOB1
 has C-Cl 1.7005, and JOB2 1.7719.
 Finally, JOB3 has C1 input; this input is the result of a GAUSSIAN 92 opt,
 and JOB3 is a SPARTAN single-point calc on the G92-optimized geom.
 The optimized geom is very close to Cs (it "wants" to be Cs; one C-Cl
 is 1.7018 and the other 1.7019; one C-H is 1.0940 and the other 1.1216, so the
 symmetry plane (the sym is *close* to Cs) passes through  the two C-H bonds.
 The E is -957.567104, very slightly less than JOB1, and the geoms are
 essentially the same . The freqs (not given below) are all real (no imag freq).
 The fact that the sym is, *strictly speaking*, C1, rules out this being an
 excited state, I think.
 >From all this I conclude that at the UHF/6-31G* level the minimum on the
 CH2Cl2.+ potential energy surface has Cs sym (JOB 3, C1 very close to C1),
 E= -957.567104, C-H 1.094 and 1.122, and both C-Cl's 1.702.
 At the MP2(FC)/6-31++G** level, CH2Cl2.+ appears to be C2v, -957.988866, no
 imag freqs; but this is *strictly speaking*, C1, very close to C2v. C2v INPUT
 1) Why did a Cs input (JOB 2) give a TS (lying below the min of JOB 3) while a
    input (JOB 3) gave a minimum close to Cs?
 2) Is there some technical reason why a UHF job might need a (slightly) C1
    input to optimize to a minimum?
 3) Does anyone have any references to theoretical or exp work on the CH2Cl2
    radical cation?
   Thanks very much for any help.
   E. Lewars
 JOB 1
 CH2Cl2 radical cation, C2v sym (for some reason, the output below says the
 sym is C1, but it is C2v; in the "properties package" part of the
 output, after
 the freqs, it correctly identifies the sym as C2v). (Only one opt cycle was
 needed because the geom had been opt in an earlier run.)
   CH2CL2.+   6-31G*.  INPUT:  C2V  6-31G*, & "NOSYMTRY"
   Run type: Geometry optimization
             Numerical Frequency
   Model: UHF/6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Use of molecular symmetry disabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
                Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom         X             Y             Z
     ----   ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl  1    -1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     C   2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.6667378
     H   3     0.0000000     0.8560442     1.3693451
     Cl  4     1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     H   5     0.0000000    -0.8560442     1.3693451
   Point Group = C1  Order =  1 Nsymop =  1
   This system has   9 degrees of freedom
  Hessian will be taken from archive file
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.86E-08 in   2 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
 Cycle no:   1   Energy =    -957.567059103   rmsG = 0.0000   rmsD = 0.0000
 CH2CL2.+   6-31G*.  INPUT:  C2V  6-31G*, & "NOSYMTRY"
                Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom         X             Y             Z
     ----   ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl  1    -1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     C   2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.6667378
     H   3     0.0000000     0.8560442     1.3693451
     Cl  4     1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     H   5     0.0000000    -0.8560442     1.3693451
   E(HF)  =    -957.567059103 a.u.
   ISTATUS =   99
  Estimating Force Constant Matrix by central-differences
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.46E-08 in  13 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.73E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.81E-08 in  15 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.83E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.48E-08 in  13 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.86E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.95E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.57E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.93E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.66E-08 in  18 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.62E-08 in  11 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.61E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7624
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.61E-08 in  17 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.71E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.79E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.32E-08 in  18 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.62E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.64E-08 in  18 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.50E-08 in  13 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.69E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.52E-08 in  25 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.67E-08 in  24 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.48E-08 in  13 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.86E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.61E-08 in  17 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.71E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.98E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.33E-08 in  17 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.62E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.65E-08 in  18 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7623
  Hessian Estimation Complete
  Normal Modes and Vibrational Frequencies (cm-1)
              -241.09                  349.53                  742.77
                   A                       A                       A
           X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z
    1    0.000  0.120  0.000    -0.636  0.000  0.126    -0.299  0.000 -0.251
    2    0.000 -0.599  0.000     0.000  0.000 -0.369     0.000  0.000  0.815
    3    0.000  0.326 -0.448     0.000 -0.005 -0.105     0.000  0.102  0.071
    4    0.000  0.120  0.000     0.636  0.000  0.126     0.299  0.000 -0.251
    5    0.000  0.326  0.448     0.000  0.005 -0.105     0.000 -0.102  0.071
               996.81                 1117.73                 1249.87
                   A                       A                       A
           X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z
    1   -0.279  0.000 -0.184     0.000 -0.070  0.000     0.076  0.000  0.068
    2    0.818  0.000  0.000     0.000  0.000  0.000     0.001  0.000  0.093
    3    0.232  0.000  0.000     0.704  0.000  0.000    -0.001  0.410 -0.563
    4   -0.279  0.000  0.184     0.000  0.070  0.000    -0.076  0.000  0.068
    5    0.232  0.000  0.000    -0.704  0.000  0.000    -0.001 -0.410 -0.563
              1425.40                 2800.39                 2962.93
                   A                       A                       A
           X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z         X      Y      Z
    1    0.004  0.000 -0.051     0.000  0.017  0.000     0.007  0.000  0.003
    2   -0.388  0.000  0.000     0.000  0.222  0.000     0.000  0.000  0.218
    3    0.650  0.001 -0.001     0.000 -0.481 -0.494     0.000 -0.567 -0.393
    4    0.003  0.000  0.051     0.000  0.017  0.000    -0.007  0.000  0.003
    5    0.649 -0.001 -0.001     0.000 -0.481  0.494     0.000  0.567 -0.393
   Total Cpu time:      222 mins. 12.72 secs.
   Total Wall time:     473 mins. 49.21 secs.
 CH2CL2.+   6-31G*.  INPUT:  C2V  6-31G*, & "NOSYMTRY"
   Model: UHF     /6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Use of molecular symmetry enabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
               Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom        X             Y             Z
     ----  ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl 1    -1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     C  2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.6667378
     H  3     0.0000000     0.8560442     1.3693451
     Cl 4     1.4640472     0.0000000    -0.1982093
     H  5     0.0000000    -0.8560442     1.3693451
   Point Group = CNV Order =  2 Nsymop =  4
   This system has   4 degrees of freedom
   E(HF) =    -957.567059100
    <S**2> =    0.7623
  Atomic Charges from Electrostatic Potential
  Resolution:   1  points per atomic unit
      Atom     Charge
      ----   -----------
      Cl 1     0.313950
      C  2    -0.147129
      H  3     0.259615
      Cl 4     0.313950
      H  5     0.259615
   Total Charge =  1.000000
   Mulliken Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    1.05278    -.00799    0.16250    -.00799
    2    1.05278    0.00000    0.75050    1.05278    0.75050
    3    -.00799    0.75050    0.00000    -.00799    -.00445
    4    0.16250    1.05278    -.00799    0.00000    -.00799
    5    -.00799    0.75050    -.00445    -.00799    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     1.199316
      C   2     3.606575
      H   3     0.730083
      Cl  4     1.199316
      H   5     0.730083
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     0.392851
      C   2     0.097307
      H   3     0.070813
      Cl  4     0.392851
      H   5     0.070813
   Lowdin Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    1.26616    0.02403    0.24801    0.02403
    2    1.26616    0.00000    0.79610    1.26616    0.79610
    3    0.02403    0.79610    0.00000    0.02403    0.01046
    4    0.24801    1.26616    0.02403    0.00000    0.02403
    5    0.02403    0.79610    0.01046    0.02403    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     1.562223
      C   2     4.124512
      H   3     0.854608
      Cl  4     1.562223
      H   5     0.854608
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     0.387071
      C   2     0.103947
      H   3     0.073273
      Cl  4     0.387071
      H   5     0.073273
    1 imaginary frequencies ignored
    Zero-point vibrational energy is    16.648 kcal/mol
    Standard Thermodynamic quantities at   298.15 K  and     1.00 atm
    Translational Enthalpy:        0.889 kcal/mol
    Rotational Enthalpy:           0.889 kcal/mol
    Vibrational Enthalpy:         16.986 kcal/mol
    Translational Entropy:        39.197  cal/mol.K
    Rotational Entropy:           22.826  cal/mol.K
    Vibrational Entropy:           1.630  cal/mol.K
   Total Cpu time:    0 mins. 32.13 secs.
   Total Wall time:   1 mins.  6.83 secs.
   ISTATUS =    0
 JOB 2
 &  Z
   Calculation started: Wed Mar 19 10:34:50 1997
   Run type: Geometry optimization
             Numerical Frequency
   Model: UHF/6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Number of electrons:  41
   Use of molecular symmetry enabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
                Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom         X             Y             Z
     ----   ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl  1    -0.1804905    -1.4640472    -0.0026884
     C   2     0.5927091     0.0000000    -0.0097085
     H   3     1.1872134     0.0000000     0.9246539
     Cl  4    -0.1804905     1.4640472    -0.0026884
     H   5     1.3932108     0.0000000    -0.7749965
   Point Group = CS  Order =  1 Nsymop =  2
   This system has   6 degrees of freedom
   Initial Hessian option
   Hessian will be taken from archive file
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.64E-08 in  23 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7868
 Cycle no:   1   Energy =    -957.5367000 rmsG = 0.0531 rmsD = 0.0410
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.86E-08 in  19 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7900
 Cycle no:   2   Energy =    -957.5707341 rmsG = 0.0267 rmsD = 0.0410
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.72E-08 in  19 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7868
 Cycle no:   3   Energy =    -957.5737465 rmsG = 0.0409 rmsD = 0.0410
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.70E-08 in  19 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7823
 Cycle no:   4   Energy =    -957.5841516 rmsG = 0.0241 rmsD = 0.0292
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.91E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7757
 Cycle no:   5   Energy =    -957.5882086 rmsG = 0.0112 rmsD = 0.0169
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.83E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7718
 Cycle no:   6   Energy =    -957.5893785 rmsG = 0.0054 rmsD = 0.0046
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.42E-08 in  16 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
 Cycle no:   7   Energy =    -957.5895136 rmsG = 0.0021 rmsD = 0.0012
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.58E-08 in  13 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
 Cycle no:   8   Energy =    -957.5895291 rmsG = 0.0004 rmsD = 0.0002
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.61E-08 in  10 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
 Cycle no:   9   Energy =    -957.5895297 rmsG = 0.0001 rmsD = 0.0001
 & Z
                Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom         X             Y             Z
     ----   ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl  1    -0.2591689    -1.2864773     0.0010381
     C   2     0.9592889     0.0000000    -0.0038423
     H   3     1.5314897     0.0000000     0.9054102
     Cl  4    -0.2591689     1.2864773     0.0010381
     H   5     1.5245213     0.0000000    -0.9176508
   E(HF)  =    -957.5895297 a.u.
  Estimating Force Constant Matrix by central-differences
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.20E-08 in  36 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.41E-08 in  24 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.64E-08 in  33 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7711
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.98E-10 in  28 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7713
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.55E-08 in  35 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.48E-08 in  27 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.67E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7713
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.77E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.81E-08 in  36 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7710
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.71E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.78E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.69E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.72E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.64E-08 in  33 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.68E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.32E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.68E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.75E-08 in  12 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.31E-08 in  35 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.69E-08 in  22 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
   UHF direct SCF procedure requested
   RMS Density converged to 0.31E-08 in  14 cycles  <S**2> = 0.7712
  Hessian Estimation Complete
  Normal Modes and Vibrational Frequencies (cm-1)
            -1289.94                 288.61                 822.49
                A"                     A'                     A'
          X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z
    1  -0.171 -0.202  0.001    0.096 -0.667  0.000   -0.272 -0.234  0.001
    2   0.000  0.845  0.000   -0.283  0.000  0.001    0.815  0.000 -0.003
    3   0.000 -0.270  0.000   -0.076  0.000 -0.004    0.195  0.000  0.031
    4   0.171 -0.202 -0.001    0.096  0.667  0.000   -0.272  0.234  0.001
    5   0.000 -0.269  0.000   -0.076  0.000  0.005    0.195  0.000 -0.033
             1046.73                1100.96                1213.52
                A'                     A"                     A"
          X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z
    1   0.000  0.000 -0.092    0.213  0.175 -0.001    0.000  0.000  0.084
    2   0.002  0.000  0.443    0.000 -0.232  0.000    0.000  0.000  0.000
    3   0.586  0.000 -0.224    0.000 -0.631  0.000    0.000 -0.701  0.000
    4   0.000  0.000 -0.092   -0.213  0.175  0.001    0.000  0.000 -0.084
    5  -0.587  0.000 -0.220    0.000 -0.629  0.000    0.000  0.703  0.000
             1588.52                3350.88                3468.48
                A'                     A'                     A'
          X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z        X      Y      Z
    1  -0.020 -0.009  0.000   -0.002 -0.001  0.000    0.000  0.000  0.002
    2  -0.258  0.000  0.001    0.215  0.000 -0.003   -0.003  0.000 -0.336
    3   0.562  0.000 -0.389   -0.356  0.000 -0.586    0.348  0.000  0.574
    4  -0.020  0.009  0.000   -0.002  0.001  0.000    0.000  0.000  0.002
    5   0.565  0.000  0.384   -0.357  0.000  0.597   -0.339  0.000  0.568
     ** Archive file written to unit 12 **
   Total Cpu time:      180 mins. 58.37 secs.
   Total Wall time:     186 mins. 12.25 secs.
   Calculation finished: Wed Mar 19 13:41:04 1997
 & Z
   Model: UHF     /6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Use of molecular symmetry enabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
               Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom        X             Y             Z
     ----  ------------- ------------- -------------
     Cl 1    -0.2591689    -1.2864773     0.0010381
     C  2     0.9592889     0.0000000    -0.0038423
     H  3     1.5314897     0.0000000     0.9054102
     Cl 4    -0.2591689     1.2864773     0.0010381
     H  5     1.5245213     0.0000000    -0.9176508
   Point Group = CS  Order =  1 Nsymop =  2
   This system has   6 degrees of freedom
   E(HF)  =    -957.589529700
    <S**2> =    0.7712
  Atomic Charges from Electrostatic Potential
  Resolution:   1  points per atomic unit
    4331 of  11109 gridpoints used in calculation
      Atom     Charge
      ----   -----------
      Cl 1     0.322274
      C  2    -0.174938
      H  3     0.265637
      Cl 4     0.322274
      H  5     0.264752
   Total Charge =  1.000000
   RMS fit:    2.144040
   RRMS fit:   0.026285
   Dipole moment from formal charges:
   x =   2.2839, y =   0.0000, z =  -0.0053  =   2.2839 debye
   Mulliken Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    0.92536    -.00366    0.18973    -.00364
    2    0.92536    0.00000    0.84724    0.92536    0.84722
    3    -.00366    0.84724    0.00000    -.00366    -.00426
    4    0.18973    0.92536    -.00366    0.00000    -.00364
    5    -.00364    0.84722    -.00426    -.00364    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     1.107782
      C   2     3.545188
      H   3     0.835650
      Cl  4     1.107782
      H   5     0.835667
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     0.513225
      C   2     0.016058
      H   3    -0.000024
      Cl  4     0.513225
      H   5    -0.000024
   Lowdin Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    1.11507    0.02396    0.28474    0.02397
    2    1.11507    0.00000    0.90108    1.11507    0.90106
    3    0.02396    0.90108    0.00000    0.02396    0.00869
    4    0.28474    1.11507    0.02396    0.00000    0.02397
    5    0.02397    0.90106    0.00869    0.02397    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     1.447744
      C   2     4.032275
      H   3     0.957693
      Cl  4     1.447744
      H   5     0.957687
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      Cl  1     0.510781
      C   2     0.020847
      H   3     0.000026
      Cl  4     0.510781
      H   5     0.000026
    1 imaginary frequencies ignored
   Zero-point vibrational energy is    18.413 kcal/mol
   Standard Thermodynamic quantities at   298.15 K  and     1.00 atm
   Translational Enthalpy:        0.889 kcal/mol
   Rotational Enthalpy:           0.889 kcal/mol
   Vibrational Enthalpy:         18.778 kcal/mol
   Translational Entropy:        39.197  cal/mol.K
   Rotational Entropy:           24.284  cal/mol.K
   Vibrational Entropy:           1.859  cal/mol.K
     ** Property archive file written to unit 12 **
   Total Cpu time:    0 mins. 24.33 secs.
   Total Wall time:   0 mins. 50.40 secs.
 JOB3(single-point calc on the optimized geom from Gaussian 92)
   CH2CL2.+,  GAUSSIAN 92 GEOM THAT GAVE NO IMAG. FREQS (G92 E=-957.567104)
   Calculation started: Sun Mar  9 15:02:00 1997
   Run type: Single point energy
   Model: UHF/6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Number of electrons:  41
   Use of molecular symmetry disabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
                Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom         X             Y             Z
     ----   ------------- ------------- -------------
     C   1    -0.5748082    -0.0045000    -0.3391425
     Cl  2    -0.5748082    -0.0045000     1.3626575
     Cl  3     0.9149428    -0.0045000    -1.1620075
     H   4    -1.0841932     0.9485840    -0.6393825
     H   5    -1.2492462    -0.7685860    -0.7368135
   Point Group = C1  Order =  1 Nsymop =  1
   This system has   9 degrees of freedom
   SCF converged to 0.96E-06 in  20 cycles. <S**2> = 0.763
   E(HF)  =    -957.5671043 a.u.
     ** Archive file written to unit 12 **
   Total Cpu time:        0 mins. 55.79 secs.
   Total Wall time:       2 mins. 57.89 secs.
   Calculation finished: Sun Mar  9 15:04:58 1997
   Model: UHF     /6-31G*
   Number of shells:  18
      7 S shells
      8 SP shells
      3 6D shells
   Number of basis functions:  57
   Use of molecular symmetry disabled
   Molecular charge:   1
   Spin multiplicity:  2
               Cartesian Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Atom        X             Y             Z
     ----  ------------- ------------- -------------
     C  1    -0.5748082    -0.0045000    -0.3391425
     Cl 2    -0.5748082    -0.0045000     1.3626575
     Cl 3     0.9149428    -0.0045000    -1.1620075
     H  4    -1.0841932     0.9485841    -0.6393825
     H  5    -1.2492462    -0.7685859    -0.7368135
   Point Group = C1  Order =  1 Nsymop =  1
   This system has   9 degrees of freedom
   E(HF)  =    -957.567104300
    <S**2> =    0.7633
  Atomic Charges from Electrostatic Potential
  Resolution:   1  points per atomic unit
    4382 of  11109 gridpoints used in calculation
      Atom     Charge
      ----   -----------
      C  1    -0.167156
      Cl 2     0.318791
      Cl 3     0.318897
      H  4     0.271822
      H  5     0.257646
   Total Charge =  1.000000
   RMS fit:    1.789405
   RRMS fit:   0.021905
   Dipole moment from formal charges:
   x =  -1.9784, y =   0.2771, z =  -1.1675  =   2.3139 debye
   Mulliken Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    1.05029    1.05039    0.71946    0.78478
    2    1.05029    0.00000    0.15807    -.00984    -.00534
    3    1.05039    0.15807    0.00000    -.00982    -.00530
    4    0.71946    -.00984    -.00982    0.00000    -.00493
    5    0.78478    -.00534    -.00530    -.00493    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      C   1     3.604917
      Cl  2     1.193170
      Cl  3     1.193327
      H   4     0.694869
      H   5     0.769206
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      C   1     0.098835
      Cl  2     0.393137
      Cl  3     0.393448
      H   4     0.100055
      H   5     0.041138
   Lowdin Bond Order Matrix
             1          2          3          4          5
    1    0.00000    1.26572    1.26325    0.76073    0.83368
    2    1.26572    0.00000    0.24411    0.02310    0.02606
    3    1.26325    0.24411    0.00000    0.02298    0.02591
    4    0.76073    0.02310    0.02298    0.00000    0.00934
    5    0.83368    0.02606    0.02591    0.00934    0.00000
    Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      C   1     4.123386
      Cl  2     1.558987
      Cl  3     1.556245
      H   4     0.816145
      H   5     0.894985
   Free Atomic Valencies
      Atom      Valency
      ----      -------
      C   1     0.105216
      Cl  2     0.387541
      Cl  3     0.387840
      H   4     0.103019
      H   5     0.042997
     ** Property archive file written to unit 12 **
   Total Cpu time:    0 mins. 24.64 secs.
   Total Wall time:   1 mins. 13.23 secs.