Re: ESR simulation software
Dale Andrew Braden wrote:
> Dear CCL,
> Does anybody know of any software (for PC, Mac, or SGI) that would
> allow me to simulate ESR spectra of systems in which both the g and
> A tensors are anisotropic?
Two caveats: This was about 8 years ago, and I was doing deuterium NMR
instead of ESR, so I'm not absolutely positive about the A tensor.
I believe that FORTRAN source code for doing this is distributed with
one of the Advances in Magnetic Resonance books... volume 8 or 9, I
think. It used to be on a 5.25" high density MS-DOS diskette that came
with the book. The software is from Jack Freed's group at Cornell.
(The actual reference is Schneider, D.J. and Freed, J.H. in _Spin
Labeling: Theory and Applications_, vol. 8; Berliner, L., Ed.; Academic
Press 1989; Chapter 1.)
I seem to vaguely remember having to rewrite some of the sections which
used double precision complex algebra routines to get it to work on
either the SGI or PC (or maybe both) because the FORTRAN compiler we had
didn't support that construct at the time. This may or may not still be
a problem, but it's not an insurmountable one; you just have to keep
track of the real and imaginary components yourself.
Bob Funchess
Dr. Robert B. Funchess bobf "at@at"
Senior Scientist, Scientific Support Voice (619) 458-9990 x738
Molecular Simulations Inc. FAX (619) 458-0431
9685 Scranton Road
San Diego, CA 92121-3752