Re: CCL:G:Normal Coordinate Analysis

 On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, S. Parthiban wrote:
 > Dear Netters:
 > I need to perform Normal Coordinate Analysis from the force constants
 > calculated using Gaussian94.  I would appreciate if somebody can share
 > their program or any pointer on the net would be helpful.
 Perhaps you can try gar2ped (by C. Van Alsenoy and myself) in
 It should compile on more or less any Unix box.
 > Thank you
 > Parthi
 dr. Jan M.L. Martin                Senior Lecturer, Computational Chemistry
        Department of Organic Chemistry/Kimmelman Building, Room 262
             Weizmann Institute of Science/Rechovot 76100/ISRAEL
 FAX +972(8)9344142 Phone +972(8)9342533 E-mail comartin (- at -)
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