My original question was:
> Dear Netters,
> does anybody know something about ab-initio and/or
> DFT programs running on WinNT/Win95 - PCs.
> I will post a list of all replies.
I want to thank all of you who gave me a reply...
and now the answers:
TURBOMOLE (with various DFT schemes: S-VWN, B-VWN, B-LYP, B3-LYP, etc. )
is running under LINUX on PCs. Ask people at BASF (Horst Weiss) or
at Karlsruhe or visit the TURBOMOLE home page.
Dr. Heinz Schiffer Phone ++49-69-305-2330
Hoechst Research & Technology Fax ++49-69-305-81162
Scientific Computing, G864 Email schiffer (- at -) h1tw0036.hoechst.com
65926 Frankfurt am Main Schiffer (- at -) CRT.hoechst.com
Sure !
GoTO : http://www.theochem.uni-hannover.de/AllChem
We are working on the current release 0.11. The WindosNT/Win95 (32 Bit)
Version will be released soon after, but I highly recommand to use
Linux as operating system, because of much better memory performance
and file handling.
In the current release 0.11 we have :
variational coulomb integral expansion, adaptive numerical integration
the xc energy and potential, the Minmax SCF procedure for Hartree
full geometry optimization (Z-Matrix and cartesian), frequency analysis,
property package (see visualization with VU).
Best regards,
___ EMail: berni (- at -) theochem.uni-hannover.de
/ / _______
/ /_/ ____/ REAL : Dipl. Chem. Bernd Zimmermann
\___ __/ Theoretische Chemie, Universtit"at Hannover
==== \_/ ====== Am Kleinen Felde 30
LOGOUT FASCISM! D-30167 Hannover, Germany
WWW : http://www.theochem.uni-hannover.de/
Phone: (int. acc.)+511+762-5448
ich glaube mit NT siehts nicht ganz so gut aus obwohl:
fuer ab initio gibt es
Gamess/NT (kostenlos, nur ab initio & MP2)
Gaussian-94W (ab initio, MP2-n, DFT, $750)
PC-Spartan-Plus (ab initio, nur Organik, langsam)
Hyperchem (ab initio, geruechteweise sehr langsam)
zusaetzlich meines Wissens demnaechst
Crays/Oxford Moleculars Unichem (habe ich schon als Demo gesehen)
Fuer Linux gibt es obengenannte Programme sowie
Turbomole (DFT, ab initio, MP2, 1200 DM, sehr schneller Code)
DEFT (DFT-code von St. Amand, kostenlos - bin mir nur nicht
ganz sicher ob das auch unter Linux laeuft)
Jaguar-3.0 (Schroedinger Inc., $1200)
Qchem (angekuendigt)
welches ich im wesentlichen benutze. Letzteres soll es irgendwann auch
mal als NT Version geben.
Viele Gruesse
Dr. Peter Burger
Anorg.-Chem. Institut
Uni Zuerich
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zuerich
chburger (- at -) aci.unizh.ch
I am sure you know about Gaussian 94 for Windows 95/NT. If not, just
look at their home page, http://www.gaussian.com.
Hope this helps. Oscar
Prof. Dr. Oscar N. Ventura
Head, MTC-Lab,
Avda. Gral. Flores 2124, P.O.Box 1157, 11800 Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel:+598-2-9248396 Fax:+598-2-9241906 E-Mail:oscar (- at -) bilbo.edu.uy
Web:http://bilbo.edu.uy/MTC-Labs/ TMMeC:http://bilbo.edu.uy/tmmec/
Hi, Michael!
You have group of programs running on Windows, the most popular is
Gaussian, Hyperchem, Spartan, ...
Gaussian 94W does both ab initio and DFT calculations under Windows
and NT 4.0. More details on the G94W package are available on our web
site www.gaussian.com.
Douglas J. Fox
Director of Technical Support
help (- at -) gaussian.com
If you have a source license, Gaussian compiles on Linux using
It does not compile using g77 or eg77 (which would be faster) due to
very ugly and invalid equivalences done in some of the utility
( I gave up when I say a routine with ~100 arguments, some of which had
been unsafely equivalenced. ) I have a patch file to convert the source
tree into a Debian/hamm package for installation on our PC's, but can't
distribute the .debs due to the commercial nature of Gaussian.
Some versions of the C libraries were incompatible with the Gaussian
code. Earlier Libc5's and the current libc6 work though - later libc5's
had an incompatibility. Specifying alignment flags might also boost
performance, but I haven't experimented there (it's difficult enough to
compile Gaussian without playing with optional flags).
WinNT/win95 ... if you can't get precompiled binaries, you could do
yourself from your source code. Some fortran compilers will object to
gaussian code- so you may need to try multiple compilers or use
to get it to work. If it were me, I'd just put Linux on a small extra
disk and set up the machine to dual boot, since you won't be able to use
Word while gaussian is running anyway. By specifying an upper memory
limit in either the job file or the site configuration file, you can
Linux enough memory to continue using the machine interactively.
Dr. Drake Diedrich, Research Officer - Computing, (02)6279-8302
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University
Replies to other than Drake.Diedrich (- at -) anu.edu.au will be routed
Warum installierst Du nicht ein Betriebssystem (z.B. Linux), dann kannst
Du ALLES (z.B. Gaussian, oder, wenn es beliebt, DFT wie deMon, ADF etc.)
ch glaube, es gibt eine Spartan-Version, wo soetwas drin ist.
Zumindestens HF-MP2.
Ich kenne die Windows nicht, aber wenn Du einen vernuenftigen
Fortran-Compiler hast, koenntest Du damit auch deMon (oder das 'neue'
Cache) installieren. Kostet beides 1000 Dollar, wenn ich nicht irre,
koennte ich mich sogar drum kuemmern, ich kenne beide Gruppen.
Dear Sir,
In first of all, I'd like know if you can run ab-intio or DFT programs
UNIX or LINUX. On the other hand, Do you have a group in DFT or no?,
if the answer is yes, What's the main purpose of your DFT's group?. I
realize you this questions because we want contact with some grups in
Dear Michael:
With respect to question about packages in DFT available for PCs,
first suggestion is a comertial package of D.R. Salahub. His address is:
Departement de chimie, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6210, Succ. A,
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3V1, Canada.
I don't know his e-mail but if you need it, please send me a e-mail and
i'd find out it.
Manuel Pereiro.
* Michael Hartmann Computer-Chemie-Centrum and *
* Dipl.-Chem. (univ.) Institut.fuer.Anorganiche Chemie *
* Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg *
* Tel.: (0)9131-856938 Fax : (0)9131-856565 *
* URL: http://www.ccc.uni-erlangen.de/clark/hartmann/ *