electron-electron interaction strength and hopping interaction strength

 can somebody tell me what term a quantum chemist would use for
 "electron-electron interaction strength"? Is it the same as electron
 And what is "hopping interaction strength"? Does it refer to integrals
 between orbitals i and j located on different atoms?
 Best regards
 Merethe Sjovoll, Ph.D.                      *          *
 Research Scientist                          *          *
 Norsk Hydro a.s Research Center             *          *
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 P.O.Box 2560                                *  HYDRO   *
 N-3901 Porsgrunn,                           * RESEARCH *
 Norway                                      *          *
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 email: Merethe.Sjovoll()at()hre.hydro.com        * (=====)  *
 Phone:+47 35 56 48 97                       *          *
 Fax  :+47 35 56 27 22                       *          *