FOCK matrix summary.

 Answers to the questions (shown below) that I have recently posed on the CCL
 are as follows:
 Concerning Question 1.
 The code that I wrote to print out the lower triangular portion of the overlap,
 and fock matrices (alpha and beta spins) is incorrect in the sense that in G94
 the modulus of the matrix element must be greater than a threshold value that
 is set to Thresh = GFloat(10)**(Key-6) where Key is in most cases 0 (See LTOut
 in utilam.F [line 47349]).  The corrected code is as follows:
       NTT = Nbasis*(NBasis+1)/2
       Zero = GFloat(0)
       Thresh = GFloat(10)**(-6)
       Call FileIO(2,-IRwSao,NTT,V,0)
       do 211 i=1,NTT
         If(Abs(V(i)).lt.Thresh) V(i) = Zero
 211     write (IOvlp,2010) V(i)
       Call FileIO(2,-IRwFA,NTT,V,0)
       do 212 i=1,NTT
         If(Abs(V(i)).lt.Thresh) V(i) = Zero
 212     write (IUnitFA,2010) V(i)
       Call FileIO(2,-IRwFB,NTT,V,0)
       do 213 i=1,NTT
         If(Abs(V(i)).lt.Thresh) V(i) = Zero
 213     write (IUnitFB,2010) V(i)
 I thank Professor Vincenzo Baronem who pointed this out.
 As to Question 2)
 I simply calculated:
 	FC = eSC
 using the output generated by my FORTRAN link in G94.  The left and right hand
 sides of the above equation were equivalent.
 Prof. Fink and Prof. Stuchebrukhov of UC Davis both pointed out this simple
 Thanks for all those that responded to my queries.
 Question 1)
 I used the following to print out the FOCK (alpha, beta) matrix from Gaussian
       NTT = Nbasis*(NBasis+1)/2
       Call FileIO(2,-IRwFA,NTT,V,0)
       do 212 i=1,NTT
 212     write (IUnitFA,2010) V(i)
       Call FileIO(2,-IRwFB,NTT,V,0)
       do 213 i=1,NTT
 213     write (IUnitFB,2010) V(i)
 Interestingly, when I compared the values generated from this method to the
 standard Gaussian output; viz., IOp(5/33=5); I found that my numbers were
 slightly different from theirs.
 Input Deck:
 # HF/sto-2g 6d 10f field=z+1000000
 geom=coord pop=regular IOp(5/33=5)
 currents: H2  1+ ion , uhf
 1  2
 H  0.0  0.0  -4.0
 He 0.0  0.0  0.0
 H  0.0  0.0   4.0
 My output:						Gaussian output:
    -0.528103473677385300000000000000E+00		-0.528103D+00
    -0.207077182228009010000000000000E-03		-0.207077D-03
    -0.957752692231662150000000000000E+00		-0.957753D+00
     0.312943635332713380000000000000E-06		 0.000000D+00
    -0.257198121834262120000000000000E-03		-0.257198D-03
    -0.446838441550770900000000000000E+00		-0.446838D+00
 The problem lies in the (1,3) (transposed) element.  The number 10^-6 should
 have been printed out in the standard Gaussian output file; it wasn't.
 Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Since our calculations rely
 almost completely on these small numbers, this may cause severe problems in our
 Thank you in advance for any aid into this matter.
 Question 2)
 Is the FOCK matrix that is printed out from Gaussian 94
 or is it:
 		FC = eSC.
 The molecular orbital coefficients must be C with eigenvalues e.  We need F
 with C and S.  We can do this ourselves but we need to know what 'kind' is the
 FOCK matrix: viz., F or F'.
 Thank you.
 Iraj Daizadeh
 Department of Chemistry
 University of California
 One Shields Ave.
 Davis, CA  95616-5295
 Phone:  530.754.8695
 Fax:    530.752.8995
 email:  daizadeh (- at -)