Quantum BioInorganic Chemistry Meeting

 QBIC (Quantum BioInorganic Chemistry) Meeting
 University of Warwick, UK, July 29-31 1999
 Preliminary Announcement
 We are pleased to extend an invitation to all interested parties to attend this
 two-day meeting (a satellite of the WATOC'99 Congress) which will focus on
 the role of computational techniques in bioinorganic chemistry. Among those
 who have already accepted invitations to speak are
 D. Case, Scripps Institute, USA
 T. Clark, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
 M. Hall, Texas A&M University, USA
 I. Hillier, University of Manchester, UK
 B. Roos, University of Lund, Sweden
 A. Warshel, University of Southern California, USA
 Date and Location
 The meeting will take place from lunchtime on Thursday July 29th 1999 to
 lunchtime on Saturday July 31st 1999 at the University of Warwick. The
 University of Warwick is situated between the towns of Warwick and
 Coventry in the Midlands of England, close to Stratford-upon-Avon.
 Accommodation has been reserved in the University's on-site halls of residence.
 Abstracts will be required of all presentations (oral and poster). Further
 details will be available with the First Circular (September 1998), but it
 should be noted that the closing date for abstract submission is Friday
 15th January 1999.
 The fees have not yet been finalised, but it is expected that the
 combined cost of registration, accomodation and food will be
 of the order of £250 for industrialists, £150 for academics and
 £95 for
 First Circular
 The First Circular will be available from September 1998. Anyone wishing
 to receive the First Circular should contact Dr R.J. Deeth or
 Dr. N. Kaltsoyannis at the following addresses:
 Dr R.J. Deeth
 Inorganic Computational Chemistry Group
 Department of Chemistry
 University of Warwick
 Coventry CV4 7AL
 e-mail: r.j.deeth()at()warwick.ac.uk
 Ph: +44 1203 523187
 Fax: +44 1203 524112
 Dr N. Kaltsoyannis
 Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
 University College London
 20 Gordon Street
 London WC1H 0AJ
 e-mail: n.kaltsoyannis()at()ucl.ac.uk
 Ph: +44 171 504 4670
 Fax: +44 171 380 7463