Hi gamess users and CClers,
I am a novice user of the gamess programm. My general problem is to
calculate multipoles for big molecules. I thought to use gamess to
calculate the multipoles on the molecule's fragments and then reconstruct
the whole molecule using the estar program.
here is my question:
there is anyone out there that can tell me if exist any conversion routine
from the gamess output to estar?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thank to all
-- Rino Ragno
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|| Dr. Rino Ragno E-mail: ragno %-% at %-%
|| Institute for Biomedical Computing or: rino %-% at %-%
|| Center for Molecular Design or: ragno %-% at %-% ||
|| Box8036, Washington University Phone : 314-362-2272 ||
|| 700 South Euclid Avenue FAX : 314-362-0234 ||
|| St. Louis, Missouri 63110 ||
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