Re: CCL:Problem with O3 freq.

 The problem is that for highly correlated systems like O3, for example,
 MP2 (or MBPT[2]) is not "the word from Bible". You need to apply
 cluster (see Watts & Stanton  & Bartlett, CPL, 1991, 178, p. 471) or
 multi-reference methods to get correct results. To find out when you
 may get "a trouble" look at LUMO energy, and if it is negative the
 is highly correlated. You may also see that your IR intensity is
 unrealistically high, which shows that perturbation theory is not
 working "properly".
 Chemical systems, which are "under suspition" for
 high correlation effects are:
 1) electron rich systems;
 2) transition states;
 3) system with "unusual" coordination numbers;
 4) unique Lewis structure can not be drawn;
 5) condensed multiple bonds;
 6) radicals and biradicals.
 Of course, many systems fall into a few categories.
 P.S. B3LYP is not so bad after all in this case even it is about
 or even faster than MP2. At least you get them in a right order
                    A1                     B2                     A1
  Frequencies --   733.1291              1220.1424              1257.5397
  Red. masses --    15.9949                15.9949                15.9949
  Frc consts  --     5.0652                14.0299                14.9031
  IR Inten    --     6.3178               232.6091                  .0020
  Raman Activ --      .0000                  .0000                  .0000
  Depolar     --      .0000                  .0000                  .0000
 With CCSD (which is more expensive) you get 748, 1240 and 1256 (Stanton
 et al, JCP, 1989, 90, p. 1077.
 Tapas Kar wrote:
 > Hi everybody,
 > Here is the expt vib. frequencies of O3
 >   705  1110  and  1042  ( Ref. Herzberg )
 > Theoretical values are (output of mp2(full)/6-31+G*)
 >                     A1                     A1                     B2
 >  Frequencies --   725.8632              1162.4426              2391.7224
 >  Red. masses --    15.9949                15.9949                15.9949
 >  Frc consts  --     4.9653                12.7343                53.9081
 >  IR Inten    --     6.5303                 2.4236              1635.3846
 > In fact we tried with other basis sets like 4-31G, 6-311G* at MP2 level
 > and
 > the values are close to the above values.
 > Clearly 2391 (B2 mode) is too high. what is the problem here.
 > Tapas
 > ~
 > --------------------------------------------
 > Tapas Kar, Ph. D
 > Asst. Scientist/Asst. Professor (Adjunct)
 > Forestry Bldg 118
 > Department of Chemistry
 > Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
 > Illinois 62901-4409
 > Fax: (618) 453 6408
 > Tel: (618) 453 6433(Lab) 6485(Office)
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