Lebedev integral meshes

 Many thanks to all those who replied to my request for the tables of
 Lebedev integrals. Since several people asked for the tables should I
 receive them, I am forwarding the following reply from Motohiro Nakano
 >from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka University:
 You can find it in:
   Mattias Eden and Malcolm H. Levitt,
   Journal of Magnetic Resonance 132, 220 (1998)
 and download their mesh data from
    Andrew Horsfield       e-mail: horsfield -AatT- fecit.co.uk
      FECIT, 2 Longwalk Road, Stockley Park, Uxbridge,
           Middlesex UB11 1AB, United Kingdom.
    phone: +44-(0)181-606-4653  FAX: +44-(0)181-606-4422