DFT : A bridge between chemistry and physics - Proceedings

Dear Colleague,
 I hereby inform you that the book "Density Functional Theory : a Bridge
 Between Chemistry and Physics" is now available. The book contains the
 Proceedings of a two day International Symposium at the Free University of
 Brussels in May 1998. All information can be found at the following website
 : http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~fdeprof/dftvub.html
 Yours sincerely,
 Prof. P. Geerlings
 Faculty of Sciences
 Department of General Chemistry
 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
 Pleinlaan 2
 1050 Brussels
 Tel. : 32.2.629.33.14
 Fax. : 32.2.629.33.17
 e-mail : pgeerlin #*at*# vub.ac.be