Cluster information and Linux Alpha
Dear CClers,
If anyone could steer me in the right direction (or even give an answer :) )
with the following two queries (each containing several questions), I'd be most
1) Is it possible to combine Linux clusters over a LAN or by internet
connection? Can an alpha Linux cluster be coupled with an Intel Linux cluster?
Would the Linda distributed software package work in this cross-platform
2) What is the status of a compiler for G98 under a Linux/alpha system. I
queried Dr. Fox at Gaussian ca. 4 to 6 months ago about compiling Gaussian
Linux/alpha and he stated that there was not a suitable compiler for Gaussian
(using Linux/alpha) at that time. I know others on this list a have asked
questions about compiling G98 on an Linux/alpha system with various problems.
Is it possible? Does anyone know about the "Compaq" FORTRAN compiler
Linux/alpha and when it will be released? Anyone at the Portland group working
on this? I'll stop here (and summarize my findings).
Douglas E. Stack
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0109
(402) 554-3647
(402) 554-3888 (fax)
destack ( ( at ) )