HyperChem .hin to MOL2 converter (hin2mol2.py)
Hello All!
I just finished a utility that converts a HyperChem .hin-file to a Tripos
MOL2-file, keeping the charges. It's again written in Python, so you will
need an interpreter.
Use the program to whatever, I use it to make ligand files for AutoDock.
ANOTHER NOTE! if you already got the v0.9 version of hin2pdbq, get the
latest, v0.95! v0.9 contains a bug which makes the proggie ignore the
first atom of every sub-molecule after the first one...
Both programs can be obtained here:
Comments, bug-reports etc. as always welcome.
Have a nice day,
Mikael Johansson
University of Helsinki
Department of Chemistry
mikael.johansson { *at * } helsinki.fi