Mistake in the IPCM question!

 hi everyone,
     I had a mistake in my question about IPCM model.
  I wrote
 Hi everyone,
     What is value of the density used in the isodensity surface construction
  in the IPCM model ( I mean what is the default value in GAUSSIAN 94)?
  Also the unit of the solute(*) cavity in the IPCM model - is it Angstrom3
  I want to know the unit of the VOLUME of the solute cavity - I forgot to
  add VOLUME in the last mail. Thanks.
                *   Dr. Pradipta Bandyopadhyay          *
                *   AMES LAB                            *
                *   Department of Chemistry             *
                *   Iowa State Unievrsity               *
                *   Ames, IA 50011                      *
                *   USA                                 *
                *   e-mail: pradipta "-at-" si.fi.ameslab.gov  *
                *   Phone : 515-294-4604  (Lab)         *
                *         : 515-232-8067  (Residence)   *
                *   Fax   : 515-294-0105                *
                *   URL: http://www.msg.ameslab.gov/    *
                *        Group/pradipta/index.html      *
  You may my glories and my state dispose,
  But not my griefs; still am I king of those.
                 -- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"