Re: CCL:Athlon vs Intel performance

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 >1GHz PC's will be shipping in May (Athlon) and June (PIII).
 >Performance comparison:
 >PIII 1GHz with 133MHz bus (anyone know when 200MHz bus is expected ?)
 >Athlon 1GHz with 200MHz bus (anyone know of dual Athlon mobo with 200MHz bus
 >Any comments or links would be appreciated.
 >Any comments on CPU comparison of PIII 1GHz vs Athlon 1G  (FPU and cache
 >size/speed are the main issues ?).
 >Discussion welcome.
 I have only comparisions of PII-450, PIII-500 and AMD Athlon 550.
 Look at:
 for GAMESS(US) benchmarks, and at:
 for GAUSSIAN98 A7 benchmarks.
 Normally the relation of relative performance looks as expected;
 however, in some cases the Pentium-III system is extremly slow:
 this is the case in MP2 and QCISD(T) calculations with Gaussian
 and in CASSCF calculations with Gamess.
 I'm not sure about the reason, maybe this is the cache, or the
 architecture specific optimization (the code was compiled in both
 cases with pgf77 on an PII system, and in the Gaussian case
 maybe the optimized BLAS plays a role).
 Dr. Matthias Mann
 Institut fuer Organische Chemie, TU Dresden
 D-01069 Dresden, Mommsenstr. 13
 Tel.: +49 (351) 463-4286 / Fax: -7030
 Email: Matthias.Mann ( ( at ) )