G98: ONIOM and Amber on TM systems


I am trying to optimize platinum organometallic complex at the ONIOM(HF/lanl2dz:Amber) level. Where platinum atom and the neighbors are defined as the high layer (HF) and the rest system as low layer (MM).

Unfortunately, the program stops with the error message:

> Missing atomic parameters for atom 1 IAtTyp= 0

where atom 1 is platinum, which is defined as high layer and should not be treated with MM.

Is it a known thing in G98? What the solution possible?

Can anybody send me an example of input file of oniom/amber application on transition metal containing system?

thanks! will be summarized.

best regards, Valentine.

, , , , Valentine P. Ananikov |\\\\ ////| /////| NMR Group | \\\|/// | ///// | ND Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry | |~~~| | |~~~| | Leninsky Prospect 47 | |===| | |===| | Moscow 117913 | | | | | | | Russia | | A | | | Z | |
\ | | / | | / e-mail: val -x- at -x- cacr.ioc.ac.ru \|===|/ |===|/ http://nmr.ioc.ac.ru/Staff/AnanikovVP/ '---' '---'
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