Quantum Chemistry Package with GUI

 we have to think about a future solution for student classroom
 computers. In the quantum chemistry course we are currently using
 UNICHEM on SGI workstations. The new machines do not have to be SGI's
 necessarily again. I was already browsing the net to find UNICHEM like
 packages (should include a molecular editor) to run on other UNIX
 platforms (in particular LINUX) and was not very successful. On windows
 systems there are some options (Hyperchem, Titan). Does anybody know of
 something useful (commercial or freeware)?
 Thanks for you input
 Dr. Stefan Portmann
 Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
 Universitaetsstr. 65
 CH-8092 Zurich
 Phone: +41 (0) 1 632 57 82
 Fax:   +41 (0) 1 632 16 15
 e-mail: portmann : at : igc.phys.chem.ethz.ch
 WWW: http://igc.ethz.ch/portmann