Re: hydrophobic bonds

Dear Francesca
 If you wish I can send you a simple Perl script (
 which performs this task for protein PDB files. I could be easily be modified
 to include DNA.
 Francesca Ciccarelli wrote:
 > Hi!
 > I am looking for a way to detect hydrophobic interactions between two
 > amino acids or an amino acid and a DNA base reported in PDB complexes.
 > Can someone suggest to me how I can do?
 > thanks in advance!
 > francesca
 > Francesca D. Ciccarelli, Pharm Chem D
 > Lab. of Experimental Oncology
 > Department of Cell Biology and Oncology
 > Consorzio Mario Negri Sud
 > 66030 Santa Maria Imbaro (Chieti), Italy
 > Phone: (39-0872) 570.292
 > FAX: (39-0872) 570.412
 > E-mail: ciccarel' at \`
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