Dear CCL Subscribers -- Your coordinator has news...

Dear Friends
 (you may not like me, but I like you, oh well... most of the time)...
 I am taking off for a month, and I will not be able to peek at CCL.
 This means: SEND ALL comments/special requests to team -8 at 8-,
 so my dear associates can help you (or at least will do the best effort)...
 All other stuff goes where it was going before, i.e., to
    chemistry-request -8 at 8-
 Do not sent anything to jkl -8 at 8-, since I may, or may not have any
 Internet access, and even if I have, it will be over slow phone line,
 so be considerate...
 There is the second, more important issue:
 I need your comments on our supporting pages. When you start from
 then click on "Supporting" under "About CCL" in the left
 navigation bar,
 or go directly to:
 You need a password to get there -- really easy.
    User ID: ccl
    Password: ccl
 Just type ccl twice in the boxes.
 It is password protected so only subscribers of CCL can look at it,
 and so it is not indexed via search engine robots.
 It is still a draft, and DO NOT SEND MONEY!!! (I know, you are all dying
 to send me cash, but hold for a month, please...). I need to be in town
 to process the income, so PLEASE WAIT UNTIL I AM BACK.
 I have a few great favors to ask. Please send mail to team -8 at 8-
   1) Comment on the supporting pages, tell us how to make them more
      persuasive, so people will give CCL their last pair of pants
      (yes, I am kidding...).
   2) Tell me if you will be supporting CCL. You do not have to...
      I value your participation. You do not have to support CCL
      to access CCL Web site and participate as a subscriber.
      CCL is free and should stay this way, since its success is broad
   3) Tell us about new, possible ways of supporting CCL. Note,
      we are giving you something in exchange. The UNIX account,
      CDs with archives, or exposure, are all quite tangible
      benefits. We do not want to beg, we want to earn it. If you
      know about some other attractive ways of supporting CCL, let
      us know. We really want CCL to stay forever, and it will only
      happen if it can pay its bills, and has some rainy day fund.
   4) Please, consider supporting CCL. If I do not have a grass-root
      support, I am not sure how I will be able to sustain CCL in a long
      run. OSC helps a lot and is supporting CCL through all these years.
      But it would be SO MUCH EASIER FOR ME AND MY STUDENTS to know that
      CCL has a security cushion. Note, I am not paid a penny for
      managing CCL. This is good and bad... I can claim that it is
      my community service. But at the same time, I cannot say that
      maintaining CCL is a priority. If it does not pay my salary,
      it is not in my job description. It is that simple.
   5) Please consider supporting CCL. I could hire more students,
      and more experienced students (e.g., Graduate Research Assistants),
      if I had some control over the CCL budget. CCL is not free...
      CCL actually costs OSC a good chunk of cash. I feel uneasy
      requesting CCL support from my management, because I have to
      prove again and again that it is a useful site and it is needed
      for our users. But eventually the taxpayer supports the CCL.
      And taxpayer (who elects politicians, who select supervisory bodies)
      may say "No". I strive to keep CCL an international community,
      it is US taxpayer who pays the bill.
   6) Please consider supporting CCL. Only if you are supporting CCL,
      we have a clue that what we do here is useful and that CCL has
      value. I know that you need it, since you use it. We have
      a lot of hits to our archives, the CCL discussions are going on
      for more than 9 years now. Those who post to CCL, or who
      provide us with free software to CCL archives are the real heros.
      Without them, there would be no CCL in the first place. However,
      some of you may be getting more than you give. Please consider
      support CCL. Found a job? Found a good postdoc? Found a good
      literature reference? Got a clue how to solve it after searching
      CCL archives? Do a fast calculation, and check how much you would
      have to pay for a head hunter, for an advertisement in the journal,
      for searching commercial databases, or for hiring a consultant...
      These are only examples... I did not mention software archives,
      finding people, learning what is hot, and what is not, etc., etc...
 So, please let us know what we need to do to get some support, and
 consider supporting CCL. Try all the forms and pages, tell us how
 to improve them, and we will do...
 Jan K. Labanowski            |    phone: 614-292-9279,  FAX: 614-292-7168
 Ohio Supercomputer Center    |    Internet: jkl -8 at 8-
 1224 Kinnear Rd,             |
 Columbus, OH 43212-1163      |