Re: CCL:image reconstrution

 Margaret Wong wrote:
 > Dear CCLer's
 > This is a somewhat off topic request but hope someone has been down this
 > track before. I have been doing some collaborative research with a group
 > of physicists and have a large number of multi-tiff format images which I
 > would like to do a 3-D reconstruction from.  They use a commercial package
 > which I can not use on-site so would like to have an easier way to look at
 > the data than traipsing off for the day. Can you recommend any packages
 > which I can compile and run under either linux or on a SGI or a low cost
 > package for NT windows.
 We have done this for a series of confocal microscope images using OpenDX
 Although OpenDX does not handle multi-tiffs, it is possible to split the file
 separate tiffs and read
 them in, If there are fewer than say 20, you can just duplicate import modules
 the program editor.
 A better way would be to put in a loop and accumulate the tiffs automatically
 a series.  Once you've
 got the data in, you can do just about anything: stack the series and do
 isosurfaces etc. We may write a
 multi-tiff reader before the Summer is out just for convenience.
 > I have looked at the medical image FAQ which lists a large number of
 > programs but it is hard to tell which program would be best.
 > Regards
 > Margaret
 >   _    Dr Margaret Wong   v    marg[ AT ] _-_|\    \_
 >  (_)o  Chemistry Dept    ) (   mgw[ AT ]            /     \
 >  /\  \ Swinburne Uni    /___\  Ph 03 9214 8542; 9214 8843 \_.-.x/  /)
 >        Australia,3122  /_____\ Fax 03 9819 0834                v  (/'
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