MP2 NMR Error

Dear CCLers,
 I have performed the calculation on 13C NMR chemical shift for
 some compounds using Gaussian 98. But I have encountered the
 error. Embarrassingly I can't calculate the chemical shift
 of reference, TMS.
 The output says:
  Estimated scratch disk usage=    65012376 words.
  Actual    scratch disk usage=    64828629 words.
  (rs|ai) integrals will be sorted in core.
  Actual    scratch disk usage=    64828629 words.
  (rs|ai) integrals will be sorted in core.
  ANorm=    0.1103718560D+01
  E2 =    -0.6404363466D+00 EUMP2 =    -0.44804187799569D+03
           Differentiating once with respect to magnetic field using GIAOs.
           Differentiating once with respect to nuclear magnetic moment. in Gobb11.
  Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/g98/l1002.exe.
  Job cpu time:  0 days  0 hours 10 minutes 39.1 seconds.
  File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=  541 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    8 Scr=    1
 The following is the input.
 #T MP2=Direct/6-31G* NMR SCF=Tight
  Geom=Check Guess=Read Test
 13C NMR Ref.
 0 1
 I don't know why the job is terminated abnormally, but it seems that this error
 is not due to the system resouces. What means
 Would you please give me a tip of advice?
 sincerely yours,
   Lycos Korea Inc.