nato-asi event

NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI)
 Metal-Ligand interactions in molecular-, nano-, micro-, and macro-systems
 in complex environments
 Cetraro (CS), Italy
 September 1-12, 2002
 Director: Prof. Nino Russo
 Dipartimento di Chimica
 Università della Calabria
 I-87030 Arcavacata di Rende
 Co-Director: Prof. Malgorzata Witko
 Institute of Catalysis
 Polish Academy of Sciences
 30239  Cracow
 Organizing Committee
 -Nino Russo
  Dipartimento di Chimica, Università della Calabria,
  I-87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
  nrusso -x- at -x-
 -Malgorzata Witko
  Institute of Catalysis, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  ul Niezapominajek, 30239 Cracow, Poland
  nwitko -x- at -x-
 -Dennis R. Salahub
  Steace Institute for Molecular Sciences, NRC,
  100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A  OR6  Canada
  dennis.salahub -x- at -x-
 -Hans Joachim Freund
  Fritz-Haber Institute, Max Plank Gesellschaft, Chemische Physik,
  Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
  freund -x- at -x-
 -Julius Jellinek
  Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory,
  Argonne, IL 60439, USA
  jellinek -x- at -x-
 A. Belcher                               University of Texas, Austin,
 H. J. Freund*                           Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin,
 U. Heiz                                    University of Lousanne,
 C. Henry*                                CNRS, Luminy, France
 J. Jellinek,*                              Argonne National
 Laboratories, Argonne, USA
 G. Ozin                                    University of Toronto, Canada
 M. Pettitt                                 University of Texas, Huston,
 M. Ratner                                Northwestern University, USA
 E. Rizzarelli*                            Università di Catania,
 Catania, Italy
 N. Russo*                               Università della Calabria,
 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
 D. R. Salahub*                        Steace Institute for Molecular
 Science-NRC, Ottawa, Canada
 R. Schlogl*                              Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin,
 D. York                                   University of Minnesota, USA
 M. Witko*                               Institute of Catalysis, Polish
 Acad. of Sci., Cracow, Poland
 J. Webb*                                 Mudoch University, Australia
 In addition a series of Special Research Seminars will be taken by:
 M. Ghedini                               Università della Calabria,
 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
 E. Drioli                                   Università della Calabria,
 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
 J. Ugalde                                 Universidad del Pais Vasco,
 I. Bertini                                   Università di Firenze,
 C. Mijoule                               Université de Toulose, France
 A. Grand                                 CEA, Grenoble, France
 P. Gerling                                 Bruxelles, Belgium
 G. Frenking                              Philipps Universitat, Marburg,
 K. Hermann                             FHI, Berlin, Germany
 Transition Metal Chemistry
 Material Sciences
 Surface Science
 Bio-inorganic Chemistry
 Molecular Dynamics
 Density Functional, ab-initio and semiempirical methods
 Location and Venue
 The ASI will take place at the Grand Hotel San Michele
 ( ) in Cetraro, Calabria, a beautiful
 star hotel on the sea with all conveniences, a private beach, golf and tennis,
 and a well-earned reputation for their meals.
 The closest airport is at Lametia Terme about an hour's flight south of
 Rome. A bus service will be arranged from Lametia Terme Airport to the
 ASI side, with stops at Paola railway station (6 hours from Rome and 4
 > from Naples with an Intercity) for those who arrive by train. Further
 information on the train schedule can be obtained at
 . Cars may be rented at Lametia Terme airport. Besides the breathtaking
 beaches, mountains and sea-scapes, a short trip may be made to Reggio
 Calabria (an hour and half by car from Cetraro) and the famous
 archaeological museum (the Riace bronzes are nothing short of
 magnificent) and a short boat ride (two hours by boat) from there to
 Aeolian Islands with their active volcanoes and more superb beaches.
 General  Informations
 A NATO-ASI is an International  "summer school" of eleven working
 Lectures and special research seminars are aimed at the post-doctoral
 level. The ASI participants may be senior graduate students,
 post-doctoral fellows, University Faculty members, governments or
 industrial researchers. Attendance will be limited to about 90 students
 chosen on the basis of their interest and contributions to the subject
 area, the potential benefit to them and to the ASI from their
 attendance, and so as to the achieve a balance of nationalities.
 Tuition. There will be no tuition fees for participants from academic
 institutions. Participants from industry will be asked to pay a tuition
 fee of $ US 300 or, better, to have their companies make a more
 substantial contribution to the school (with appropriate recognition in
 the program and publication).
 Room and board. Lodging will be at the Grand Hotel San Michele. With
 only a few exceptions, rooms will be assigned double occupancy. The cost
 of room and full board for the 12 nights is 568 Euro (about  $ US 550).
 It is hoped that participants institutions will cover most or all of the
 living expenses. However, the grand from NATO and other support should
 allow significant subsidies to those who would otherwise be unable to
 Travel support. There is a possibility of limited support.
 Those wishing to attend should send a letter by mail, fax or electronic
 mail. This should specify:
 -         date and place of birth
 -         sex
 -         nationality
 -         academic qualifications
 -         present position and place of work
 -         a brief statement of ongoing research and publications
           relevant to the theme of the ASI
 -         PhD student and postdocs should also have send a brief letter
           from their research director supporting their attendance
 -         Those requesting financial aid should state how much and
           provide a brief justification.
 The closing date for application is june 30, 2002. After that date,
 applications will be reviewed on space-available basis.
 Application should be send to
 Prof. Nino Russo
 NATO-ASI Director
 Dipartimento di Chimica
 Università della Calabria
 I-87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS)
 Tel- +39-0984-492106; fax: +39-0984-492044: e.mail: russo -x- at -x-