Re: CCL:how to suppress the standard orientation in G98?

Short answer, try NoSymm.
 Ingo Brunberg
 > Date: 	Tue, 14 May 2002 16:04:03 +0200
 > From: dck <kleb : at :>
 > X-Accept-Language: de,en
 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 > Sender: "Computational Chemistry List" <chemistry-request : at
 > Precedence: bulk
 > hello!
 > how can i suppress the standard orientation in G98, and force g98 to
 > calculate the molecules properties in the geometry, given in the input?
 > or in other words, what's the keyword or iop corresponding to the
 > coord=unique in GAMESS.
 > yours
 > dc kleb