WATOC'02: Last Call for Participation!

Dear Madam or Sir
 ---              6th WORLD CONGRESS               ---
 August 4-9, 2002, Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland
 More than 100 talks and over 400 poster presentations in
 Theory, Computation and Information Science in Chemistry,
 Biochemistry and Materials Science.
 Other features are:
 - WATOC'02 special issue of THEOCHEM:
   publish your presented work
   as a full paper
 - Poster Award Program: Awards will be given for
   "Outstanding Scientific Achievement",
   "Outstanding Presentation", and
   "Outstanding Presenter" - plus a few special awards.
 Don't miss this great event and register immediately!
 The deadline is only a few days away from now:
 June 14, 2002
 For information, the program and registration see:
 We are looking forward to see you in Lugano.
 Hans Peter Luethi and Stefan Portmann
 ETH Zurich