problem with GAMESS on FreeBSD

Dear all,
 I have a preblem with GAMESS on pc running FreeBSD. I
 have compiled the GAMESS with f2c/gcc and g77/gcc,
 respectively. When I submit a job to GAMESS, it will
 give me the correct results. However, it will not
 terminate after it printed the message: EXECUTION OF
 GAMESS TERMINATED NORMALLY. When I kill the process it
 will add two lines to the output file (*.log):
 child process 0: interrupted by parent
 ddikick: trapped error SIGINT.
 Does here any one have compiled successfully the
 GAMESS on a FreeBSD platform, or have encontered such
 problems? Any suggestions will be very appreciated.
 Thanks a lot in advance.
 P.S.: the gcc and g77 version is 3.2.1, f2c is 3.0,
 and the FreeBSD is 5.0 Release.
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