Re: CCL:Slater basis sets

> From: Richard Muller <rpm -8 at 8->
 > I'm doing some QMC calculations in which I would like to use Slater
 > (rather than Gaussian) basis sets. Can anyone recommend a good
 > reference for STO basis sets of different quality? I have the STO basis
 > sets that were used for the STO-NG (which can be found in Hehre,
 > Stewart, Pople JCP 51,2657 (1969), and Hehre, Ditchfield, Stewart,
 > Pople JCP 52, 2769 (1970)), but I don't have any others. Can any of the
 > CCLers out there point me to a good place to look? Thanks in advance.
 Koga et al have systematically improved the classical STO basis sets
 by Clementi-Roetti, McLean, etc. Look for the bases and references in
 A. J. Thakkar's web page. Particularly:
             Victor Lua~na