cml and svg

Does anyone have any experience in chemical markup language? Are there programs that one can use to draw a molecule and save it as CML? In addition, I'm ultimately wanting to save the molecule as an SVG (scalable vector graphics) image. Again, anyone have experience in that?
 Will post a summary if replies warrant.  Thanks in advance!
 David W. Ball, Ph.D.
         Professor of Chemistry
         President, Cleveland Technical
                 Societies Council
         Councilor, Cleveland Section of the
                 American Chemical Society
 Department of Chemistry
 Cleveland State University
 Cleveland OH 44115
 216-687-2456, fax 216-687-9298
 Personal web pages:
 (CAUTION!  Includes lots of baby pictures!)
 "There is more stupidity than hydrogen in
 the universe, and it has a longer shelf-life"
                                 - Frank Zappa