Linux: splitting g98 rwf files
- From: "Jonathan Stevens"
- Subject: Linux: splitting g98 rwf files
- Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:39:52 -0400
I have run into a problem running CCSD(T)
calculations with g98 on Linux systems. Specifically,
the following eror message appears whenever a .rwf file
is near 2 GB in size:
Erroneous write during file extend. write 61439 instead
Probably out of disk space.
Write error in NtrExt1
The computation is not really out of disk space (nearly
GB are free) I have been told that this is a problem with
the Linux OS and may be circumvented by splitting the
g98 rwf file for the CCSD(T) calculation. Can anyone
tell me how to do this?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Jonathan E. Stevens
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Detroit Mercy
4001 W. McNichols Road
P.O. Box 19900
Detroit, MI 48219-0900