Estimated scratch disk usage Gaussian error

 I wonder if somebody could help me with the following problem:
 Gaussian 98 - computing the MP2/aug-cc-pvtz (or Ahlrichs TZVPP) frequencies
 (i.e. 2nd derivatives) for the thymine+water system (10 heavy atoms, 8
 hydrogens) crashes with the following error message:
 Disk-based method using ON**2 memory for 14 occupieds at a time.
 Permanent disk used for amplitudes=   264622272 words.
 Estimated scratch disk usage=          -1 words.
 Inconsistency from DE2Siz in DoE2D.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in
 Job cpu time:  0 days  2 hours 35 minutes 58.0 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF= 2203 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    3 Scr=    1
 I am using 1200 MB of memory, 1 CPU, and
 (the last -1 means that any and all available space may be used)
 I've already tried changing the memory, NProc, and %rwf, but with no
 succes. Did anybody encounter the same problem? Is it a problem with the
 space requirements?
 Thanks in advance
 Daniel Svozil, PhD
 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
 and Center for Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules
 Czech Republic
 phone: +420-2-20 183 263