CCL: VEGA1.5.0

Dear CCLers,

we are glad to announce the new release of VEGA1.5.0
(, our well known program to convert, manage and
visualize of 3D structures for several platforms (Win32, Linux, Irix,
We consider this release a significant breakthrough in the development of
this program.
Among the several features added in VEGA1.5.0, the most important are:
1. merging function, that allows format conversion transferring only
selected information types from one file to another;
2.  a powerful tool to build solvent box and solvate any molecule adding the
3.  a 3D molecular editor with add, remove, change atom capability and bond
manipulation (add, remove, change, connectivity rebuilder and bond type
4.  PSF X-Plor topology saver

The full list of the significant new features of this version are:

- PDB 2.2 loader and saver.
- Experimental PSF X-Plor topology saver.
- Improved GAMESS support.
- Added the capability to read the connectivity and the bond types of
Alchemy, CSSR, MDL Mol,  Mol2, PDB (including all subformats), QMC and IFF
file formats.
- Ultra fast connectivity routine.
- Read & write substructure record in Mol2 file format.
- New trajectory file formats: Quanta conformational search (CSR), ESCHER
Next Generation solutions.
- Added the lipole measure (Broto & Moreau, Ghoose & Crippen) in the
trajectory analysis.
- Support of multiple chains in IFF file format.
- Bond, CFF91, CHARMM 22 for nucleic acids, CHARMM 22 for proteins, H-bond,
MM2, MM3, force field templates.
- The atom type length is expanded from 4 to 8 characters.
- Added acetone, ammonia, chloroform, dicloromethane, formaldehyde, methane,
methanol octanol-water solvent clusters.
- Basic 3D molecular editor with add, remove, change atom capability and
bond manipulation (add, remove, change, connectivity rebuilder and bond type
- Molecular similarity toolbox (molecular superimposition).
- Change torsion dialog box.
- Solvent cluster builder.
- Add ions function.
- Merge file function. You can merge two files specifying the parts to keep
or discard (e.g. coordinates, atom types, atomic charges, etc).
- ClustalX plugin.
- Atom constraints dialog box for dynamics simulations (e.g. NAMD).
- 3D interactive monitors for distance, angle, torsion, angle between two
- World relative translation and rotation of each molecule.
- Open/save in selection tool (trajectory analysis).
- Select molecules and select segments dialogs.
- Remove molecules and remove segments dialogs.

Giulio Vistoli & Alessandro Pedretti
Giulio Vistoli
Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica
Viale Abruzzi, 42
I-20131 Milano
Tel. +39-02-50317545
Fax +39-02-50317565